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Suspension overhaul

spud murphy

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Hi all

I'm getting geared up for a suspension overhaul on a 300tdi disco. New springs, shocks and bushes all round as the ride is terrible!

Does anybody know what size nuts and bolts are req'd for the spring retainers and front shock turrets.?

The original ones look as though they arn't coming off without a fight and I'd rather have new stuff to hand rather than running back and forth trying to identify whats needed with the truck in bits

Any help much appreciated, cheers John

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Chances are the turrets nuts will shear off when you undo them (13mm socket, long extension). Get new turret rings (the bolts are part of the turret ring) - there was something about heavy duty ones on here not long ago...can't remember if the conclusion was good or bad. Do a search.

Spring retainers have a 17mm head, more than likely will shear straight off. Standard M thread.

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