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Transfer Box + Axle life expectancy (miles)


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I want to know what mileage people of cracking running on standard transmission oils before they experience problems? I am asking because I am unsure whether to bother spending the extra on synthetics when at some point 100k, 200k who knows a diff or the transfer box wants open heart surgery on it.

I've had problems with diff failures myself at around 80k on a 300Tdi running standard oils, maybe this could of been prolonged with better oil??? :huh:

I've not asked about the gearbox as it is a puma defender and only time will tell, Im touching wood here that the other people whom have had gearbox replacements are the minority as mine has done 14k without a glitch, but then again I am a very steady & smooth driver who doesn’t rag the gearbox to death (did I just type what I thought then? ;) )

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My trucks got around 225k miles on it. Original axles and LT77. Transfer box I believe was changed by previous owner, over 6 years ago at least.

I prefer to put standard oils in it and change them more frequently. Helps to get any water out and you can keep and eye out for teeth and bits of bearings in the oil. :ph34r:

Not broken anything yet. I also try not to rag the truck to bits.

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My trucks got around 225k miles on it. Original axles and LT77. Transfer box I believe was changed by previous owner, over 6 years ago at least.

I prefer to put standard oils in it and change them more frequently. Helps to get any water out and you can keep and eye out for teeth and bits of bearings in the oil. :ph34r:

Not broken anything yet. I also try not to rag the truck to bits.

What Gromit says above, use standard oils change the gearbox, transfer box and axles at least 6000 miles, if offroading every 3000 miles and if lots of water driving again change the oils. The cost of the oil is nothing compared to the aggravation of changing major transmission components. Depending on vehicle and whether oil or grease the swivels need changing as well. Don't forget the grease in the prop shafts many a road car get's new UJ's after floods, our local LR garage loves the rain, stocks up on UJ's ready for the rush!

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Depending on vehicle and whether oil or grease the swivels need changing as well.

On that point, I would always use oil.

I reckon oil gets about much better than grease, and if it leaks, then there's water getting in and killing your CVs. Something which would not be as evident with grease.

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Thanks fellla's Ive done 14k without changing any tranny oils perhaps it's now time to consider it.

The LR service interval suggests 48k for the transfer and axles so I was originally planning to replace them at 24k, but even that's four times the mileage you guys are changing them at. At least its half that of the LR guide.

And just for a laugth LR suggests 120k for the gearbox

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305,000 0n one truck and 320,000 on the other without any major disasters among the oily bits underneath. I reduced the oil change intervals to 5,000 miles when they went through 100,000 miles, but that was just to make the sums easier.

A conversation at my local dealership and apparently the latest thinking at LR is to change all the transmission oils at the 24,000 mile service and err that is it, never change them again.

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