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Hi all,

I know I know 2 posts in as many hours.

Now i have had a proposition, that my sister takes on my landrover as a company vehicle (i will be working with her all summer so will be mine) but she wants to paint it lime green.Yes lime green. Only the bottom half, leave the cream top for sign writing.

Now the question i put to you (mostly) good people is, would my poor darlin' be ashamed to be seen with herself, or would it be nothing to as immense a piece of engineering as a series 3 landrover.


ps i neglected to mention but that would mean MOT and tax and possibly tyres covered out of my pocket, so i am very much up for it as it brings down the costs of returning my landrover to the road to within my budget

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indeed :D

How would one go about such a drastic lightening? I rollered her NATO green and stone (top and bottom) fairly recently as part of the restoration procedure, but surely the NATO will bleed through the lime?

I was thinking scratch then roll her in white primer, then the new lime, any other ideas?

Also where would one find such brightly coloured car paint, should i ask the paintman(.com) as i got my existing paint from him at last years sodbury and i think he did other colours?


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