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Pics of trayback 90s please


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Morning people

I am at the stage of my build where i am trying to make up my mind if i should tray back my 90 or just build a normal cage.

Could you post up your pics of traybacks to give me some ideas

Also looking into making the wings out of tube as i am sick of having to replace the standard ones anyone got any pics of this done.

Tryed the search on traybacks but didnt find much.

Thanks again people.

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Are those wings the "North off road" ones? Can you fit them without a role cage? If you cant do they fit any role cage or just North Off Roads?

A cage is essential if your going to use tube wings. Otherwise, in the event of a heavy front impact, the bars will come through the bulkhead and will continue in that general direction. I don't know about you but I'd tend to class being implailed by tubing as a bad day.... :ph34r:

Also, there's not much point in having them without a cage as you'll only muller the rest of your truck while keeping straight wings. :huh:

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Also, there's not much point in having them without a cage as you'll only muller the rest of your truck while keeping straight wings.

Good point.. I was just thinking about those wings instead of having bull bars. I like the tubular winch bumber with aframe but I take alot og nudges on the ends of the bull bars and would have messy wings without them.

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