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SVA Question


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Guest diesel_jim

As its been altered from its original state then i'd suspect it would need testing yes.

the test for stuff like that isn't a "pass" or "fail" like your driving test. Ok they check for safety and that can pass/fail, but for the chassis altering, it's just an examination and obviously safety and whether it's been altered comes into it.

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It seems you're asking the wrong question...

Would a shortened chassis need an SVA test - yes

Would a shortened chassis fail an SVA test - not if it meets the requirements - 'properly' fabricated, pedestrian safety, corner radius etc

Would a shortened chassis pass an MOT - quite possibly, yes, that doesn't mean the vehicle is legal though.

That's my understanding so far, based on reading here and elsewhere, I've yet to experience the process first hand, yet! I've still got to finish the build first!

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Yes, a Shortened chassis will pass....provided it's done properly and is safe

ta thats all i needed to know (to start wiv)

(heres the next question) once built to standard do i apply for new chassis number then

book it in for the sva, hopefully pass then try and get insurance on a Q plate ?

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SVA will have no issue with shortening only how well it is done.

I expect they would prefer to see a scarf joint rather than a vertical cut and will expect to see it either plated on each face or an angle piece along each chassis corner. If you try and put the strengthening on the inside they will be difficult to convince. If at all possible the joints should be in a different position from one chassis rail to the other.

It will be a Q plate.

Not sure how the chassis number works you may be able to retain yours. First step is to talk to your local DVLA office. Don't phone, go to the office. If you can, make an appointment, this way you are more likely to get someone who knows about these mods rather than someone who happened to be passing the phone.

Take with you lots of photos, all your paperwork (neatly in a ring binder) and be very enthusiastic. If the inspector you meet sees how passionate you are about this the more inclined he/she will be to help you through the process. You need to be well on into your build before this as they may want you to either bring it to them for an inspection or come out to see it. Again how good it looks will make a big difference.

My previous dealings with DVLA went thus.

Lady inspector appears and rips up for a**e paper the two guys who are trying to present a ringer Moggy in order to get its cherished plate. Comes over to my kitcar, says how very pretty it looks and can I see the engine number and VIN. Job done.


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