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no more reversing of our vehicles please


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I too prefere to reverse park.

I often ask people who drive in and reverse out why the don't want to comply with the Road Traffic Act. Yes it is an offence to reverse into a main road from a minor road. To me a driveway is a minor road.

Now those angled parking bays that you find in council car parks where you have to dricve in then reverse out. I complained to my local council about them. I was told that "That's they way car parks have to be set out. drive in reverse out". So much for the RTA.

I think I'll follow Matt and get a reverse alarm.


Simplest solution to angled parking bays for the council is to reverse the traffic flow, it virtually forces people to reverse park.

We to have a reverse park only policy at work and although it seemed a pain at first now I just do it automatically.

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