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Range Rover Badges


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I have recently purchased a 2006 Range Rover Sport and for some reason the actual 'RANGE ROVER' marking towards the bottom of the tailgate is missing ?

It doesnt look as though it has ever been on it, nor any damage so I wondered if this was standard for some models ?

Your help and knowledge is appreciated as it has puzzled me !!!



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If you don't get an appropriately helpful direct response to your question, two alternative sources to bookmark, for help with this and future questions.

These are in NO order of priority, as I have no experience of the forums, merely know they exist.

The other point is that, although it makes no practical difference to the answer in this case, people tend to respond better (or at all) if you say whereabouts, in what country, you are from. Look to put it in your profile on each forum you register with.

Anyway, enough of the philosophy:

http://www.rangerovers.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=5 is an American site, but if it's like the 38A forum on the same site, it has an International readership.

http://www.rrsport.co.uk/forum/ is, as the address implies, a UK based site, but I don't know the readership spread.

Good Luck.

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The letters are standard on UK spec cars. On a 2006 vintage of car that panel would be brunnel (silver/grey) in finnish. If it is body coloured, the badges are quiet often removed to paint and then new ones are not always put back on.

You can buy the badges from a dealer if you want it; can't remeber the price from the top of my head.


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