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Buxton Green Laning


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Hi guys

went green laning two weekends ago since doing the tdi conversion we had a great time in buxton the tdi ran sweet the gearbox suited the engine well and i hardly had to use low range the only draw back i had was i only got 230 miles on a full tank of juice which works out at 23 mpg so i am looking at swapping the gearbox over to the high ratio one so hopefully the fuel compsumption will be a lot higher ?


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Hi guys

went green laning two weekends ago since doing the tdi conversion we had a great time in buxton the tdi ran sweet the gearbox suited the engine well and i hardly had to use low range the only draw back i had was i only got 230 miles on a full tank of juice which works out at 23 mpg so i am looking at swapping the gearbox over to the high ratio one so hopefully the fuel compsumption will be a lot higher ?


sorry ment to say fuel comsumption will be a lot lower ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

had a drive to bonefire held by B.A.D.L.R.C. at hartington quarry just outside buxton last night and then drove home and then this morning drove to rochdale with my bro and friends to do some green laning the gearbox is alot better the mpg is better but still not satisfied still in the mid 20s don't no if that is due to the mixed type of driving ( the buxton hills and green laning ) ?


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in my 90 ive got a 1.6 ratio tranferbox, and a 200tdi, i get 26-30 mpg depending on use.

RRC diffs will help with on road MPG but offroad your going to have to use your low range much more often. its what its there for i surpose?

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25-28mpg aint bad on a tdi... if i drive like a loonie i can get it below that figure...........

although as your series is slightly lighter than a 90 and if running rear wheel drive only (do you have free wheeling hubs?) it should theoretically be slightly better - but only by 1 or 2 mpg.

tyre choice, tyre pressure, engine filters and injector condition will make a much more decisive difference in fuel economy than anything else though.

Maybe worth giving it a good service and chucking some 10k boost / redex or something in - or even having the injectors recon'd to make sure you're getting the absolute best out of the lump before doing anything else.

Also, is your speedo completely accurate?

I used to get 32mpg out of my 90 until i realised the speedo under read by about 6mph at 60......... recalculating my mpg at true road speed and mileage from my gps meant i was getting 28mpg.

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yeh it has fwhs fitted and i have checked the speedo with my satnav and the speedo reads the same as the satnav the engine was completly serviced before the engine went in inc new timing belt and lift pump think i will try a r/r diff in the back and see how it is and go from there.


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