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defender speakers

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If you do a search the subject has been covered on here before.

I have used Pioneer TS-44's for rear speakers in Defenders in the past, though if you are fussy about hi-fi sound they are probably not the right choice, they are more "fill in" to the front ones but if front speakers are upgraded the overall effect is not bad.

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I've thought of getting some of my students to design an 'ultimate' solution to the sound system in defenders (though the idea of 'hifi' in the presence of such a noisefloor is amusing - but that's the real problem to solve).

It seems to me that the solution lies in understanding that you can't really get good quality single-point(s) stereo in a car anyway. So, to make it hearable without deafening, you need loads, and loads of radiating surfaces (speaker diaphragms) and well situated tweeters, with appropriate speaker decoding.

One could use flat panels for mid-to-top frequencies, well-positioned tweeters (4 or 6 will do) and a couple of subs, though 4 would be better - not for sheer ear-bleeding loudness, but for control of the soundfield.

Another thing, allthough stereo is essentially a horizontal only format, you can still use 'up' and 'down' soeakers to generate your field, even though there will not actually be a sense of vertical spaciousness.

So, for example, you could have 2 rows of flat panels (distriubuted mode loudspeakers, or DMLs, as they are known) running fore-and-aft along the roof lining, then, in the station wagon, two rows of speakers behind the side-facing seats - there's a handy little space there.

tweeters - top of dash, right and left (or in a posh version, one in the centre as well, with a summed(L+R) signal), and two in back corners - these could even be ribbon tweters, vertically up each corner.

Lf drivers; in the seat boxes? - might need to be waterproof drivers, and consider whether to move ECU anyway.

Amplifiers: we've got bucket loads (one should always use amp channels discretely for best control of the speaker drivers, best headroom, lowest distortion and so on) so, where to mount all these, get power to them and so on? - maybe make up a way of mounting loads flat againts the back of the bulkhead, behind the front seats. these should be lowpower consumtion for their ouput; Flying Mole in japan have made some comapct, cool-running and low consumption amps, but never got type approval for the 12v version (shame). But that new generation of amps is the way to go. As they're expensive, suggest that anything mounted so low will need some safety cut-out to kill the power rapidly in the presence of water (the only other way woul be a waterproof box with good heat-conducting chracteristics - aluminium, for instance, with the amp cases mounted flush to the wall for conductance).

Finally, some form of distribution amplifier to get signals to all these amps - has to be custom, that.

Think we're up to £1K for the self assembly version... is this slightly too expensive???

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See my thread HERE for how I got around the Defender rear speaker conundrum.

They are 6.5 inches in diameter, 180 watts. I managed to find some Kenwoods that fit up front & not catch the wiper motor. I run a Sony head, cant remember the model, but it is an iPod specific one.

I dont run any amps, and unless you are a Fiesta driver & aged 17, nor should you need to. The sound is superb, tweaked via EQ settings on both iPod & head unit, to have the rear load area act as a 'bass box', with my clarity being driven predominantly from the front & sheer volume from the rear.

Sounds a little complicated, but basically get a good head & set of speakers, and tweak away till your happy with the sound for your style of music.



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