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LR should THank You


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Hi everyone ,Have spoken to god knows how many LR Dealers,with reference to my missfiring TD5. all of them will not divulge any information or even give me a clue to what is the problem, all I get is Get it in to us and we will link it to our test book which is far better then any other computer and let you exactly what the problem is.of course there is a small fee for this service, it varys from £50.00 + vat to £125 inc vat dependant on large the dealership .

Now i know this is a well know problem on the TD5 more so on the Defender version.I just dont beleive that Landrover Dealers do not know the answer and i hate to say it but feel that the reason behind this is because if they did give the information they would be more warranty claims Then what they can afford.hence the Dont know attitude.

I have come to the opinon that landrover should be praising all you guys out there for you advise and support you give to all LR owners ,because I am sure that if it was not for your support many LR owners would bin there vehicles and go for the jap makes instead. Sales would plumit and no doubt LR would probally start harping on how the british public do not back a british made product.(only LR nuts have LR's me included )

Sorry for the rant had to get it off me chest.

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To be honest I think they are right to do it that way.

If they tried diagnosing over the phone and got it wrong and you made it worse trying to fix it, then they could be in trouble.

They've got a quite advance diagnostics system built into the car which will tell them what the problem is fairly quickly.

Their charges are maybe a bit high, but they've got to make money.

Agree though that this forum is excellent and probably saves a lot of people a lot of money.

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agree that every business has to make money ,but what i cannot understand is why will they not say what the possible problem may be, if I decide and attempt to fix it myself and it go wrong then thats my fault.

for example If suddenly the engine cuts out and will not start again , if they was to say may have ran of of fuel that would be a reasonable answer as would be fuel pump could be naff or fuel line is leaking.at least they are offing a answer ,it may not be correct but it is something what you can have checked.

Again i dont beleive they do know the problem but will not let people know.

if head , injectors or what ever then they should let you know . what may be causing the problem.

like i have said in previous threads there is more than a few people with the same fault.

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What you need to think about is the liability - from their perspective.

If you* rang up a dealer and they told you* the fuel pump was knackered, you* then go and spend lots of money on a new fuel pump and the problem persists. You* then ask them what else it could be and they tell you* it's something else that costs lots of money.... the problem still persists.

You* could end up spending a lot of money chasing a fault that £50 could have pointed you* straight to.

You* then start blaming the dealership and threaten legal action because the fault could have been repaired for £100 when you* have spent £1000 chasing it because of advise that they gave you*...

From a dealer's perspective, it's best to keep quiet and recommend that the car be plugged into the correct diagnostic computer and the fault code read and the problem solved directly. It's a potential damage limitation exercise - they may lose a customer, but they don't get hit with a big claim based on a possible over-the-phone diagnosis of what could be quite a complex problem...

* you being a general customer, not YOU specifically!!

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We* try to give small pieces of advise to customers with older less complicated vehicles, but mainly only testing instructions as opposed to, try this part, then try this part. However some symptoms can be caused by a common part, eg car cutting out when hot - crank sensor. Many of our new customers havnt got a clue whats underneath the bonnet or the willingness to try diagnosing parts, but it is true that we have to protect ourselves by not telling the customers "its this part you need" as it can cause all sorts of grief.

Whats a typical LR main dealer labour rate these days?

Ours* is £115+vat at the moment with 20% discount on 3 years and older cars and 40% on 7yr+ cars.

* = Mercedes Benz

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