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It it the VCU or is this normal!


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Well where do I start....

I bought a 2004 TD4, looks well, very clean only 65K with FSH from main stealer, thought I bagged a real bargain.

It drives like a dream................... apart from the 2 problems below.

1) When pulling away on a tight lock the back wheel on the side I'm turning to, skids (like both back wheels are turning at the same speed). I see this more if I'm turning on gravel or grit, I have the same symptom if I'm turning on full lock, left or right.

2) When reversing down my drive (drive is on a bit of a slope), if I put it on full lock and dip the clutch the car will stop, not as if the brakes were hard on but just binding. I have checked the brakes and I'm sure they are fine and this resistance is only when I put it on full lock.

Took the car back to the garage that I bought it and told them to fix it, I got it back on Xmas Eve and they say they have fitted a new VCU, its much better but I don't think its right. I have a 90 and also a 2001 Disco and don't have this problem with either of them.

What do you think! Is it normal and if not what could it be.

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It will do that a bit because of the way the VCU and IRD work, the front end pulls the back end along so they do scrub a bit on full lock. If it's bad then the VCU could be seized - there are various ways to test it if you use the search button.

The 90 and Disco won't behave the same as they have a centre diff whereas the Freelander is rather like driving with centre difflock in all the time.

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best way to test the VCU is as follows chock a front wheel front and rear , jack up offside rear wheel, release handbrake and engage first gear

then with a socket on the driveshaft nut [its a big one cant remeber size] turn your wheel in a forward direction it should be very stiff and hard to rotate the wheel, if you can do this you dont have a problem

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