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Wiring !!

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Atleast there's one advantage of a 3-day week.....I can tinker with the 90 and try a fix a few odds and sods.

Today..... I 'as mostly been rear-wash wipering :D

My squirter works :lol: , and my wiper, and it parks ;)

BUT, the wiring behind the switch panel is confusing. This is the first time I've really had a look.

The wiper/washer switch didn't operate to start, but there are a number of wires, of which the brown is live.

I tagged this onto the back of the twin green wire at the back of the wiper switch and everything worked.

Checked the fuses behind the panel, and all were ok. Is the wiper fuse, I think 5A, located somewhere else ?

Looking at the pics the wiper wiring has all been taped and disappears down the back. Is this correct ?

Because there is a large bullet connector block which isn't connected to anything.

Can anyone guide me as to which wires are which ? Some might not be OE, the previous owner did have CB fitted!!

For the record, the ciggy lighter is not connected, also the RHS is not connected, although the switch is there to

the lower right of the steering wheel, but no wiring, along with the black/white wire at the rear door..which I think is for the RHS.

Any advice would be helpful :rolleyes:

Thanks, Guys


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this thread should help http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopi...&hl=madcowz

the white wire is a ignition contolled 12v feed for a radio

the brown wire is a permanent 12v live feed -- can be used to power the radio memory

the black is a earth wire

red/white is gauge/clock illumination

the cig lighter uses the purple wire for it's 12v feed 7 the black for earth & red/white for illumination if it has a light on it.


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Thanks Western, That's a help. I've just checked and have the following :

Brown - Perm Live

Black - Nothing-earth

White/Black - Nothing

White/Purple - Nothing

In the connector block :

Green - Switched Live

Lt Green/White - Nothing

Green/Lt Green - Nothing

White - Switched Live

Purple - Perm Live

Should the wires from the Rear wash/wipe be in a connector block and plug into the connector block in the picture ?

Should I just snip the wires that have been taped and fit with bullet connectors and plug into the appropriate hole ?

The cig lighter does appear to have the facility for a bulb. Do you know what type of bulb fits ?

I would also like to get the HRS working. I have the black and white wire at the rear door, no earth wire though.

I also have the switch in the panel but no connections on the back. I suppose I need to locate voltage sensite switch....

where is it ? The relay, again, where is it ? would this be behind the fuse panel ? I'm hoping all the wiring is there, and

it's just a case of plugging in :rolleyes:

Any pointers would be useful.

Thanks again, Jon

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the rear screen heater is on the diagram above, Voltage sensitive relay [VSR] is yellow & behind the small 3 switch panel between door & steering column, move the instrument pack & you can see it in the right corner. the heated rear screen relay should sit next to the VSR

heating element earth direct to the door frame.

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