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the back just wont sit right

series 3

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have you ever been so frustrated youve thrown your coffee mug at the wall. watched it shatter and felt better about everything.

Until you realise you are going to have to clean it up.

Well i discovered that particular releif method this weekend when i tried to fit the back end from another 109 to my chassis.

It just wont fit and the more we mess with it the worse it gets. made some progress in the end and have the back lined up and the bolt holes underneath nearly sitting pretty.

Its just the bloody seat base thats the trouble now. its almost as if the back end is longer than it should be or like it was made slighlty differently.

Any help for a man at the end of his rag and thinking of reaching for the sledgehammer and giving the whole thing a bit of "gentle persuasion"

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unfortunately its a landrover, they were all built slightly different, and it will have flexed a lot over its lifetime, so its possible its stretched/twisted/squashed

you should be able to unbolt the seat base, get the rear body to fit, then bolt the seatbase back in to its new home.


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ah that was one thought we had. the only problem is that we used sealent on the seatbase when bolting it down and the only way to get it off would be to pry it with a screwdriver, bending it badly. Ive definelty learned the hard way that you never fully attach something when theres a chance it may have to come off again to get another part in.

well im just gonna bite the bullet and take bits off to put bits on. definetly feels like im going backwards but what can a guy do.

thanx for the confirmation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I once had to completely assemble a S2 body without any chassis bolts from the front bulkhead backwards. The doors were shut and aligned and then clamped to the frames. I then put a board across the back door opening and used a winch to stretch the body to fit onto the rear cross member and then fitted all the bolts before releasing the tension. It worked.

The job was done at 3am in London and the Land Rover was boarding a ferry at 8am from Dover to start a cross country drive to Italy.

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