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Challenger 4x4 clubman challenge round 4 - info please

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Hi everyone,

After a wicked day out yestarday competing in the round 3 of the clubman challenge I'd like to try and finish of the events!! How ever I'm unsure of where they are!!

Wheres the round 4 of the clubman challenge?? I cant find any info about it on either Challenger 4x4's website or on the AWDC website??

Any info would be really helpfull!!

Many thanks Mark

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Just to clarify, Round 4 is at Slindon in West Sussex. Have a look back for the Round 2 thread in this section of the forum and you should get the details and a load of pictures of what to expect...

All I wil say is........... Beware of the outback!!!

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Apologies for not having the information on C4x4 the Clubs website, will get that sorted. Just to clarify here are the details of the rest of the events:

Fourth event in Clubmans Series – Sunday 9th August @ Slindon, near Arundel West Sussex.

Fifth event in Clubmans Series – Sunday 13th September @ West Harp Tree, Avon.

Sixth event in Clubmans Series – Sunday 25th October @ Coney Green Farm, Shropshire.

Annual Bonfire & Fireworks Party/End of Series Party – Saturday 31st October @ Runways End Scout Activity Centre, Farnborough Hampshire

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