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got the shakes


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hi there well a bit of back ground, was driving around in the disco (300 mreg) today doing the shoping etc. parked up for a couple of hours jumped in it again to nip to B&Q and she started to shake in secound gear at around 2500rpm, at first i thought it must be the rubbish road i was on but it wasn't, its not like the 70mph shake you get in a wolf it more like the sort of shake you get when a front wheel drive car is trying to spin the wheels but the tyers are holding if that makes sense, iv check all the wheel nuts and pinny on here has been had had a look, only conclution is the wheel bearings are going but this is normaly gradual but this has started this afternoon.

any other surgestions please

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not sure if i lost aweight it dosnt llok like it but going to take the wheels off tomorro have a propper look (weight on the back of one wheel) but re sprayed the wheels the other day so will be easy to see

no punctures or clamps that i can see :hysterical:

but it dose seem to be rev or poss speed its now effecting around 2500rpm secound gear and low end of 3rd but not in fourth or fith

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I had something sort-of similar on my 200 TDi K-reg Disco which turned out to be the front prop shaft. It was jammed solid and did not extend and retract like it is supposed to. The new shaft produced a magical transformation. Just a thought, in case it ain't the wheels.

cheers m8 will be having a play about under it today

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well found out the problem my own stupid fault

because i havnt been doing my jobs propperly the front prop has gone completly at the centre diff (UJ??) but gone to far so need to replace it

that the camping trip gone and to top it of my new laptop need to go back and cant take it

top tip dont put of your simple jobs like greasing up the props :(

anyone got one ????

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