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200tdi running problems


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Hoping someone can help with this.

Yesterday while offroad at the local play and break site, i started to loose revs and power while going uphill, had to dip the clutch and build the revs up to try and get up the hill. Sometimes it went back to normal, revved fine and sounded right, then it would just loose it all again and struggle to run.

Reading up on here about lift pump problems, it seems to point toward that, but my lift pump seems to be working, if i crack the bleed screw on the filter off and pump the lever, fuel comes out. the same happens when i undid the pipe from the lift pump and turned the engine over. It doesnt squirt out with any force, just seems to trickle out, i'm not sure how much should be coming out.

so any ideas? i've changed the filter and there does not appear to be any problems with the fuel lines. i cracked the injectors off and all had fuel coming out.


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A full stroke of the lever would produce a powerful squirt of fuel that will just about hit the back of the injector pump. Have you replaced the fuel filter lately? A failed lift pump only reduces top end revs, so it would only affect your top-end speed really (not sure about under a heavy load though). A partially blocked fuel filter may well give the stmptoms you describe (rev hard and the filter backs up and tries to kill the engine, ease off and fuel flow resumes at a reduced rate)


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Dead rats in the tank, you'll need to clean it out or it'll do it again (like when you're trying to leave the mother-in-laws) :(

Les :)

I have had the same problem with my 200tdi. It got to be a real pain in the a***. What it boiled down to was ait. I thought it was all out and it was when i beld the systen but................it wasnt

First you need a short piece of clear fuel line. Cut the black fuel line between the injector pump and the fuel filter. Put the clear piece of fuel pipe in. That way you can see if there is air coming in from the fuel filter. If there is then the filter houseing need replaceing. If there is no air there then do the same just before the fuel filter. I did mine just before the filter on the bulk head. Thats where the air was....before the filter. So that could be one of 2 problems. The first could be the pick up pipe in the tank. There about £100 new but look for a good second hand one for about 10 quid. But on mine it was the sed' filter at the side of the tank. Easy to sort out. Take the filter of the tank, 2 nuts and bolts, then simply cut the fuel line that supplys the filter and the pipe that comes from the filter to the fuel filter on the bulk head. Join the 2 pipes togather with a short pipe and then use tie wraps to secure the pipe. Job done. Esay job to sort out a big fault.

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