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Multi-way connector options

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I have tried using the VWP multi connectors where you have a latch on the metal pole to wire up my MUD console to make it easy to remove when needed. It is a big step up from the multiple bullet connectors I started off with (nightmare trying to connect/disconnect them all) and I like the wire soldered to the pole but find the connectors very bulky and them seem to be quite clunky.

Currently I have had to put in two of the 8 way connectors but it is bulky and a mess of wiring. I have been wondering about trying to use some Cat6 cable for the switch/connector interface since almost all the wires are carrying very little current (Ok it won't work in every case and would need to test loads first) and it would make everything more compact. I wondered if anyone has done similar?

I also wondered if there are any alternative types of multi-way connector that would be neater and give a more positive feel?

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I also wondered if there are any alternative types of multi-way connector that would be neater and give a more positive feel?

One of the industry standard indestructible connectors for small signal / switching use in theatre and similar are the EDAC type ( Info ) but they might be a bit big. The next choice is the D-type connector ( Info ) but they aren't very robust. You could use the MIL spec circliar ( Info ) but unless you're planning a small war don't bother. Hope some of this helps :blink:

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Finding decent multi-way connectors which will live in a car, carry a good current and don't cost the earth is surprisingly tricky.

Are these the ones you've tried?


Or these? (Which are smaller)


Or these? (Which are small & rather nice)


Or even these?


If you are only using the switches to fire relays then CAT6 cable and normal D-type connectors will work happily (and for very cheap), the D-types will handle up to 5A reasonably well, although if you need to get more than a few amps up it it's probably a good idea to go up a size and double-up or even triple-up the extra pins to spread the load.

Don't use solid-cored (single-strand or IDC type) Cat5/Cat6 as it can fatigue and break off at the connector.

I find trailer cable is a cheap source of multicore, you can get 7 or 13 core and different current ratings.

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