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Winch ropes any recomendations

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The problem with double braided lines is that it is really difficult to splice & that the two types of line (inner core & outer sleeve) have different elongation rates & breaking strains.

Now this may be fine for climbing lines, with built in stretching characteristics, vital when put under the stresses of shock loading and also generally operating at much less NBS rates.

Whereas synthetic lines used for winches have near to zero elongation prior to failure & operate at much higher breaking strains..

So, it is my belief that it is real difficult to compare the two disciplines as they are poles apart.


The rock climbing was just an example of high wear conditions, double braided ropes are available for sailing (winching up/in of sails) and tug assist ropes (same category as AmSteel Blue that somebody already mentioned on this thread).

Also elongation rates and breaking strains are just a matter of selecting the right rope.

e.g. AmSteel Blue has an elongation rate of 0.96% @ 30% Load with 12mm and has an average breaking strain of 34,000 lbs

PROGEN II has an elongation rate of 1% @ 30% Load with 12mm and has an average breaking strain of 30,000 lbs

So a double braid has 0.04% more elongation and a slightly lower the breaking strength for the same size (the breaking strength is still more than a 11mm Plasma and only 95.8% of a 12mm Plasma though)

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Personally I've always been very impressed with Rufftracks Plasma 12. I've used this, Bowrope and Marlow. My experience with it is that the Bowrope is much 'harder' which, in my experience, makes it more susceptible to failure after several events as it can be very difficult to get mud out of the core of the rope. I've recently seen good things with Marlow but I've yet to be convinced to move away from plasma 12 when I come to get new ropes for the car.

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