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How do I get the subs to work??


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I have installed my Sony head unit, and its all working fine, altho tinny with stock speakers. Then I find out there are subs in my tailgate, and a wee amp, but no sound coming from them. I plugged the head unit in using the ISO connector, there was one other lead there unused by me, but I assumed it was for the dash controls for the stock stereo. So now I'm wondering how do I get sound to these subs?? Looked on the Rave cd. but when it comes to electrics, it might as well be written in martian lol...

Anyone know how to do this?? I tried doing a search, but couldn't find the answer...



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it is usually water ingress which falls onto speakers and then they go 'trout' after a time. just have a look and you will see if they have been leaked on. it might be something else, but that is usually what is wrong. power the subs from an amp or your head unit and test the outputs on other speakers to check the head unit outputs too.

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