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Fuel Pipes

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Hi All

I wrote some months ago about my landie, 90 2.TD having a fuel starvation problem at speed, get up to 55 MPH and i lose power and slow down a little like a kangaroo i have had the fuel cap off and it still happens i think i need to replace the fuel lift pump but not had chance or dry enough weather for ages as i have no garage to work in it's all done on the drive, however i have a question the 2 fuel pipes, 1 going into the injector pump from the fuel filter and the second pipe returning to the fuel filter from the injector pump both weep fuel, could this be coursing my fuel problem, could it be sucking air in to the fuel line under pressure, my logic is if the fuel is weeping, air could get in, do they need to be replace and where can i get them, i have looked on paddocks and they seem to have the injector pipes but not the others,

Take a look at the pic i have marked the connection with a red box

help please

Thanks everyone


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