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Isolator for jump leads

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I wondered if I have played this right? I got fed up doing jump leads direct from battery since there is just not enough room in the box so have set up my own jump leads using welding cable and a pair of big Anderson connectors - one bolted to front of seat box and one on end of the welding cable. I decided it would be a good idea to isolate the +ve except when actually needed - never know when fingers might poke where they shouldn't so I got an ordinary red key isolator switch (ref: BIS from VWP) and put it in the +ve cable between the battery terminal and the Anderson connector.

I am now wondering whether this might just melt when cranking another engine (or my own) on the jump leads???

Am I likely to be OK or do I need to re-engineer things (and if so what best to use since I still think isolating the connector is a sound idea)

Thanks and best wishes


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It'll be fine for short durations, jump starts don't take very long to complete, I ran my husky winch through a red key switch for over 10 years without any problem & that drew as much if not more amps during long winch periods than a jump start or fit the larger brass key type these are more durable & can handle bigger current draws.

I also fitted a internal jump start using a red key isolator fitted between my 2 batts +ve terminals, just in case my Tdi decides to play silly games or the start batt is low on grunt.

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Thanks western. Quite relieved!

Like the idea of an additional isolator switch for internal jump start. Not sure where I can fit another isolator since already got two on the front of the seat box!!

I ordered up one of those Odyssey batteries to handle radio supply and await it coming. Looks as if a bit smaller than my existing so a little more room to play with. Do you use the same type for your starter battery too, and if not what do you use? I am beginning to realise that using slightly smaller batteries would make like a lot more comfortable in the box!!

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i have fitted a single pole solenoid that is electric switch over and it works great. no red keys to get lost or broke and with a neet switch on the dash it looks trick to.

the solenoid is kept out of harms way in the battery box. i use it on long winch pulls so not to killl the winch battery and burn the winch out.

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