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Sankey trailer help


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Hi all,

new to this so please be gentle with me, bought a trailer which is a Sankey, its at my mum-in-laws at the mo and im trying to get it fit to trailer home, i have today took off the eye and barrel assembly, partialy stripped it down only to find i need even more tools! the nut im trying to remove to releases the eye itself, lots of rust and about a 50mm spanner? required? is there an easier way? do i need the huge spanner? any tips? also the rubber washers i have encounterd so far are dropping to bits and resemble thick oil.

cheers paul

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Difficult to answer this as we have no idea about what alternative facilities you have.

A big adjustable or Stillsons are the first options.

Can you put the nut in a bench mounted vice and rotate the eye with a bar or tube through the hole?

Heating a rusty nut is always the best way of releasing or reducing the rust hold. Do you have a portable Oxy-acetylene or Propane torch?

As you have the unit off the trailer you can always take it away to somewhere that is more likely to have suitable facilities - think country garage rather than town garage; commercial or agricultural vehicle garages are other options.

For replacement parts I can only think of possibly CSTAT of the EMLRA, they do sell to non-members.

Or http://www.NKrecovery.co.uk who advertise part assemblies for Sankey hitches.

I assume you have a NATO hook on your tow vehicle, and your next question isn't going to be 'how do I convert a Sankey to a 50mm ball hitch, at a height to suit my car'?


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I would also add that there is a pin through the big nut which will need knocking out first.

I cut my own rubber buffers out of some old conveyer belt rubber, seems to work OK.



hi guys,

yeah i have got the online manual, so i knew about the pin, but it seemed there wasnt one as i could see the shaft though the hole in the nut? anyhow decided that the cost of a replacement was worth it £35 from Anchor, i didnt have the tools required so the far cheaper route was a take off part.

second question is, how do i get it to fit onto a Fiat 500? :rolleyes: joking


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  • 9 months later...

Hi again

Finally got around to start of the refurb with the trailer, does anyone know what replacement brake shoes I need to replace the old ones? I have took one to my local car parts place and he has searched bit to no avail? I have been td that some peoe rub

N these trailers without brakes, is this an option?


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