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Is it possible................

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The end of the heater box is just tucked under the edge of the wing. To replace the matrix you need to drill out the rivets that hold the top panel on and then bend it up far enough to remove the matrix. You can chip the rivets off with a very sharp chisel, and perhaps leave a few out, but it's very fiddly to do.


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Yes it is an easy job to do with the wings in place, all you need to do is remove is the washer bottle and the heater inlet duct and you have all the access you need to remove it (I did this job again just a few months ago).

Make sure you have the correct seals before you start otherwise you won't be able to finish the job. The old seal is bound to be hard & crispy and using a sealant instead of the correct foam-rubber seal just makes it a pig of a job to remove the heater in future. The correct seals (heater-box to bulkhead & heater-box to intake duct) shouldn't cost more than about £15 in total.

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