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200 TDi headgasket, radiator, sump


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My 180K mile 200 TDi is chuffing out of the back of the engine, through where the HG onbiously has cried enough.

Looking at the ID hole plate, I can see 2 holes, one in the centre of the plate, and one 1/4 hidden under the head casting. Do I simply replace the 2 hole gasket with another 2 hole gasket, or do I need to skim the head 0.1 mil, and use a 1.5mm one? Also, I've read in some places that the headbolts are OK for 5 uses, is this equine excrement, and should I add those to my shopping list as well?

Also, my rad is weeping ever so slightly, and as the coolant etc. will be out of it, it makes sense to replace it too. Paddocks ones OK, or does someone have a decent used one lying about that we can come to a beer token agreement on? ALternatively it may get radweld, and a stay of execution.

Sump also has a nice weepy rust hole in it too, I'm guessing it's worth doing that at the same time. Similar plea to the previous paragraph for decent used sump in exchange for beer tokens.

I do have an LT77 from a Disco lying about if someone fancies a beer token free swap, but be advised I am in Aberdeenshire



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hi. all land rover repair centers do is take the head off and use wet and dry on a block of wood and it will be fine make sure you do it even qand dont be tempted to rub the areas that are darker. leave them just go over the whole top with wet and dry. it saves money and works exactly the same. iv litterally just done mine on my 200 disco. and works fine. also id just fit a 3 whole, thats what we do at work. everything works fine. also id sort your sump out whilst youve drained the oil. you ll have to change it anyway. also not teaching granny to suck eggs but if you dont know change the filter as well. head bolts iv never had to change them yet. but im sure there not that expensive.

if theres owt else i can help with just let me know .


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