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200TDi 90 to 300 Auto


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I believe this is pretty well documented, but i confess i didn't take much notice as i intend to stay Manual. A friend is starting the 200tdi transplant for a 300 tdi auto lump and box from a disco.

Can you offer any either words of advice or point me to any interesting link we should read.

Concerns are:-

Can we de-electronic the 300, is it just as simple as a 300 defender pump install??

Can anyone explain what happens to kick down etc once this is done.??

The ones who have DONE this, did you stick with stock positioning, or shunt the whole lot back, and remake props etc etc. (I have shifted my 300 back, and find it make a significant different on "crest overs" B)

I guess in short, what did you do for the best and why??

If i'm talking b*ll*cks in the above, i'll get me coat.



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