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Rear mounted Snorkel

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Hi folks

Having nearly drowned my 110 on Saturday I think it's time for a snorkel. :blush:

I've king cabed it and I'm wondering about the feasibility of running it up the rear of the cab (drivers side as the exhaust runs up the passengers).

It's bound to have been done before (what hasn't), so the questions are:

Has anybody got any pictures?

How would you route it?

Will such a long length of draw / travel of air be a problem?


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The first question is, which engine? If it's a 300tdi, or at least a 300tdi turbo, it's relatively easy.

Has anybody got any pictures?

Yes, some were posted recently. struggling to find them right now though....

How would you route it?

The 300tdi turbo conveniently points backwards, so you can come straight through the bulkhead, or drop down along the gearbox if you wish. It's going to be on the passenger's side though

Will such a long length of draw / travel of air be a problem?

Not if you use a decent diameter. 2.5" - 3" diameter seems to be ok.

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The first question is, which engine? If it's a 300tdi, or at least a 300tdi turbo, it's relatively easy.


The 300tdi turbo conveniently points backwards, so you can come straight through the bulkhead, or drop down along the gearbox if you wish. It's going to be on the passenger's side though

Not if you use a decent diameter. 2.5" - 3" diameter seems to be ok.

A good point about the turbo, could run it back then route behind the bulkhead.

Thanks for that :)

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