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Serie(ou)s Security


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Hi there guys, after a run of coil sprung landy's, I took the plunge and bought my self a Series Three Station Wagon. 1981 109" 4 cyl petrol, I'm very happy with it. I'm fortunate enough to not have to use it as my primary means of transport..

The reason I bought a series three is this:

I have had two Disco's nicked/robbed off me. Once out side my house (locked/immobilized/stop-locked) and still the sods took it, at 10:30pm!! Second at gun point in the Sahara, another story..

I figured a series three (or it's parts), though perhaps easier to take than a 90/110/Defender, is ultimately less sell-able in-terms of black-market desirability sop would be less prone to being pilfered.

My question is this, what measures are deemed as adequate in order to prevent theft i.e. what do the forum members do to theirs to stop them from being taken?

I'm well aware that if some one wants something, THEY'LL HAVE IT!

I already take the rotor-arm out when I leave it for long periods, and use a stop lock on the steering wheel - though I'll admit that these are next to useless - bolt cropper'ed steering wheel and it's off..

Cheers Guys, Jerboa..


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Love your Registration plate :)

taking the rotor arm off is good,but you then need to carry it about ( i broke mine in my pocket once ) I also have also been known to swap ignition leads about ( i cant see a thief spending time trying to fix badly misfiring none starter )

I know of someone ( not with a landy ) who fully closes their choke & removes the knob for it thus leading to an engine that wont start ( carb is a bad match for their engine )

the nature of S3 electrics also means there are many places to hide a sneaky inhibit switch oldy but a goody, though the plain nature of the S3 interior means you have to get a bit creative in its/their positioning

the place i work in use meck locks in the brake lines of some of the trucks but i wouldn't really want to do that with S3 brakes ( plus there are UK legality issues in this ) so i would advise sticking one in the clutch line if yo were to do it

on a more extreme note removing the starter motor & relying on hand crank only...... switch in the HT circuit to reroute the ignition to the steering wheel.... the list is endless

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I have a handbrake lock which locks around the handbrake when its in the upright (on) position.

Its called a JetLock and I bought it from Simmonites - though I can't find it on their website now so it might be worth a call to them.

It wasn't cheap at about £120 getting on for 10 years ago.

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You could install a small manual valve on the fuel line (eg. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PETROL-FUEL-TAP-SHUT-OFF-VALVE-3-8-I-D-BRISCA-BANGER-/290545776953?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item43a5e0b939). Thieves will be able to start the engine, but the car will die a few meters down the road. I believe this is better than not starting, because you catch them by surprise, the moment they believe they have achieved to steal it, it dies on them. I am sure it would be fun watching them!!!

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Hmm.. the only problem with fuel cut off valves etc is that it runs pretty much solely on LPG (there isn't any fuel in the tank) so I cant mess with the LPG system without blowing my self to pieces. But I can switch the LPG/Petrol switch to petrol and they can try their best.

HT leads on the steering wheel? Nice, I like it..

The idea of fitting a valve to the clutch line is of interest, though that would render the "leaving it in gear when you park in case the handbrake slips" usless. Unless it was set up in such a manner that pressing the pedal wouldn't operate the clutch??

What kind of valve??

I was thinking the other day, not seriously I should point out (after watching this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S1CZ08w4H4) an airbag built in to the seat and triggered via remote control would be great.

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I appreciate the original poster's quandary, but I don't think discussing security measures openly on the internet is wise - thieves read these forums too and a quick google search of Series LR security will bring this specific discussion up in addition to all others on the matter, giving away all the various measures discussed. The best thing to do is speak to local enthusiasts and club members as they will all have ideas and an interest in not passing on that knowledge to the "opposition".

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