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Removing the rear bodymount (to sill) on a Discovery 1

Tex Gore

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What's left of my bodymount (that used to connect to a sill no longer there either) is refusing to come off. I've tried copious grinding, blow torching, and (of course) hamming the bolt out from underneath, and jacking the car up on the bolt - all with no success. It appears to be stuck fast. I don't have a Gas Axe, so does anyone know of any other tricks?

Thanks in advance


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It's done. Here's what I did, in case it's useful for anyone else reading.

Whereas it shouldn't be too hard, in my case it was just slightly harder than travelling across the Atlantic on a space hopper. The bolt was horribly rusted into the chassis bracket, and despite copious bashing from underneath, it wouldn't budge at all. So, here's how I did it - it's not at all hard when you stop bashing and start thinking to be honest.

  1. Don't overly bash the bolt at the bottom - if it's not moving, it probably won't and all you'll do is spread the bolt making it almost impossible to slide back up the chassis bracket hole. Give it a go, but don't give it too much.
  2. Carefully, using a grinder and cutting disc, and a hammer and drift remove the metal washers and rubber bushes. Take great care not to damage the bolt down the centre. A variety of cutting, hammering and prising should see it all go. Obviously observe all safety precautions and watch out for those delicious rubber fumes.
  3. Once you've got down to the bolt (and probably the metal sleeve around it) you need a decent blow torch. I just used a plumbers thing - nothing flash. Taking very great care (remember you're under the body, and above that thin steel is lots of carpet) heat the chassis mount up until the bolt in the middle glows red. Then put the torch under the chassis mount, onto the end of the bolt. Continue heating for 'a bit'.
  4. Carefully attach a mole grip to the bolt at the top. Warning - the entire assembly by this point is extremely hot. Even your tools will get hot touching it, so make sure you're wearing decent gauntlets and taking care. You want to celebrate getting this job done with a bbq, rather than bbq'ing yourself in doing the job.
  5. Twist the bolt - it should start to turn. If not, bash it from underneath with a long bolt of equal breadth (or slightly smaller). Keep alternating between twisting and bashing, and eventually the bolt will pop out of the top.
  6. Stagger around the garden collecting all the tools you've thrown before working out the above solution

Well anyway, that worked for me. Hope it works for you.


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