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Faulty starter, earthing points locations?

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Hi, I've got a starter motor problem that I am 99% sure is down to a poor earth, solenoid clicks but motor does not turn. I've found the earth strap onto the chassis near the gearbox mount, removed cleaned etc and has improved the starter but its still not right.

Question is where else to look for earthing points to clean up.



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Are you sure your battery is good? I've just been having this with a Series II, thought it was bad earth so ran another but it still wouldn't turn, yet drop it into my land rover and it ran on the jump leads fine. Turned out battery was completely kaput.

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Spot on ejparrott, good job I was only 99% sure :o

Battery had been on charge all night, charger said fully charged, 12.5 V ish across terminals all suggest battery is good but it seems not.

Put another battery on and it fired with half a turn of the key.

I've wasted hours on trying to sort this :angry2:

Thanks for both replies


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glad you sorted it , but I had slow cranking issues with my 90 2.5D a while ago, here's how I fixed it:

it started in warm weather but once the mercury dropped below about 6 degrees C it'd crank, but not fire- if jumped with another battery with more amps, it turnned over fine

1) check & clean earth/supply contacts and check glow plugs are working properly

2) have starter motor serviced- not expensive- motor was fine- contacts in the soleni=oid were dirty, went from drawing 120 A to 70A!

3) fit new earth braid from starter motor to bell housing bolts to earth point- make sure it's man enough! it's amazing how much a puny cable heats up and can't havdle the currect! in the end I made my own from a length of 260A braid and a couple of terminals crimped on with a nut splitter, then soldered in place.

4)new battery, Unipart battery looked new, and did start the engine after steps 1-3 were done, but a new Optima Red top really gives the motor tons of juice to really crank it over...... all I need now is some snow...... :D

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