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Silver wheel spray paint


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Hi all,

Has anyone found a close match to the silver that my genuine TD5 steel wheel are? Tried hammerite and it is way to dull. Also the metallic in teh hammerite looks to big and too metallic. My Landy and teh wheels are much finer if that makes sense.

Don't want to go to the expense of getting some matched, would just like something off the shelf that's tough enough. This will be a yearly job I expect. Will be doing all of the wheels so an exact match isn't important.

Photo of my D2 attached, you can see it's quite a light silver compared to hammerite.


As I say, something off the shelf that ideally doesn't need a laquer, so I can tocuh it up with a brush as and when I need to.

Cheers, Martin

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Pop down to your local Halfrauds. They do a aerosol wheel paint, in silver and steel colours. The silver is a bit bright and blingy lookng, but the steel is a good match for most car wheels, incl my silver-ish modulars I used to run.

Application method:

Remove wheel from car,

Wire brush, degrease the worst from the rim,

Cut a large cardboard disc from an old box, the inside diameter at 16" or whatever size wheels you have.

Use 2" wide masking tape tucked into the tyre bead and stuck against the tyre wall.

Sit your cardboard mask over the tape and a quick spray over makes a big improvement.

If the rust is at all bad, use some primer first.

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Thanks, didn't spot the "steel" one, that might be just what I'm after.

Had a look on the webiste, it recommends laquer over the top.

Did you bother? If so/not has it proven pretty durable?

I'll be doing my rims with the tyres off, but for the future touching up the cardboard idea is a good one.

I've wire brushed the first rim, used some rust convertor and then used some "industrial grey primer" that I got from toolstation a while ago. This primer is good in that it "fills" better than most, so covers quite a lot of deep marks and wire brush scratches.

Cheers, Martin

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I never bothered with any lacquer. I tended to give the rims a tidy up blow over after the winter salt had been washed off and the weather was dry enough for outdoor painting.

The paint is durable enough but as I always end up scraping my wheels on rocks and other off-road obstacles, my repaint was a little more necessary than it might for for a motorway cruiser :lol:

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Thanks, my front rims are in desperate need of doing because of off-roading. The rears are ok as it happens.

Will probably get the laquer as well, just for a bit extra protection. Should be picking some up later so will take some pics.

Cheers, Martin

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I think that the Halfords silver with a clear laquer looks pretty good. The "steel" looked too dark in store so went for silver. Cheap enough as well, probably about £5 a rim, so I don't mind doing them each year :)



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