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Fuel system


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Hi chaps.

I've got myself in to a bit off a mess, normally I would ask my mate how to set it up but he's in holiday so I'm wondering if someone on here here could help me out what I need. So here's the low down

- defender 90

- td5 plastic tank mounted

- 3.9 rover v8 megasquirted

- external fuel pump ( http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110489807832?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_4388wt_1108 )

Right the bits I'm struggling on is, what sender do I need as I can't use the td5 one, what size pipe work do I need for flow and return. Is it worth having a low pressure pump and a swirl pot to feed the hp fuel pump? Where can I get all the hoses from and fittings?where is the filter normally located on a v8 90? I would guess the hp pump after it. Sorry for all the questions



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You can use a 300TDi Discovery in tank unit (plastic tank version), it doesn't have a built in swirl pot but that shouldn't be a problem unless you run low fuel levels off road. There is a RoW tank unit that does have a swirl pot, designed for use with a 300TDi engine in a Defender with a TD5 style tank, that would probably be ideal. I use the 300TDi Disco one on SWMBO's 90 as I'm using an external pump for the TD5 but I used it because a mate had a scrap Disco so it was free :)

An easier way still is to discard the external pump and use a V8 in tank pump unit from a Discovery or P38. If you use one form a Thor engined vehicle, be aware that the fuel rail will need to be modified slightly as the regulator is built into the pump with no return pipe. I used a P38 4.6 pump/sender unit and modified it to fit (the 90 tank isn't as deep as a P38 tank so it needs to be shortened - not a difficult job. I used this method when I was running a 3.9 V8 from a TD5 tank.

8mm I/D pipework is "normal" for V8 systems and the 300TDi unit uses the same size.

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