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Discovery tyres


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Hello fellow Discovery owners , in 2012 I went to the Driffield Land Rover event ,and to be truthfull I felt like a child in a sweet shop , I was on my own and had a few `bob` on me . I saw some spotless cream painted steell wheels with michelin m/s tyres with maximum tread depth ,I asked how much ,I thought that`s a bargain and with the `red mist `at max I bought them .It is okay I will save them till you pick them up before you go home ,says vendor . I go for a wonder ,pick up an almost new 300 Discovery exhaust system front to back for £76, mine had started blowing so it was ready to change . I moved the car so as to load the tyres ,which `tyre man`had stacked behind his stall ,Tyres in back of Discovery ,plus exhaust ,panels from Y.R.M ,and of I go home .I fit the `new `wheels /with tyres and blow them up /inflate and notice LOTS OF CRACKS in the tyre walls near the tread band ,mmm I thought ,I will try out and see but surely they should not be `cracks` . Up the A1 to Reeth ,around Coal pit moor ,Bainbridge ,the old coach road to Kettlewell ,all good ,I check tyres again when home ,there are now cracks in the tyre walls , of come the wheels .I met up with tyre man at the skipton sale yard not long ago and told him of myy plight , `and what do you want me to do ` was the reply . WHAT CAN i DO . Any ideas gentlemen . COACHMAN .

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Sounds like your tyres may be old/have been stored badly.

Usually on the sidewall of tyres there is a [manufacturer-specific] date-of-manufacture on tyres: it could be worth trying to work out what the Michelin code is on your tyres.

Tyres more than about five years old are not usually very good.

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Sounds like your tyres may be old/have been stored badly.

Usually on the sidewall of tyres there is a [manufacturer-specific] date-of-manufacture on tyres: it could be worth trying to work out what the Michelin code is on your tyres.

Tyres more than about five years old are not usually very good.


Second that, but sorry not much you can do, sold as seen items at an auto jumble, maybe trading standards but don't get too excited!!!

I just bought some Cooper STT and was sure to check the manufactured date as I know the so called special offers are often old stock they can't shift, but nope made middle of last year.

Good luck if you try to get something back....

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