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D2 TD5 throttle "hick up"


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I have looked through previous posts and seen similar symptoms mentioned but none provided me with a direction. I'm experiencing what i can best describe as a hick up when i lift of the throttle just before pedal is in its off/fully closed position. This seems to happen at various load/engine speeds but is intermittent although seems more frequent at lower temperatures (weather not engine temp). My Disco is 2002 Auto and running well apart from this problem and fuel consumption has not seemed to have suffered, neither has starting or performance. I can identify when this hick up will occur as for instance when driving in town (after an hour's driving ) and gently accelerating up to 30 mph on a light throttle the engine speed/load does not drop as i ease throttle back. Just before the throttle pedal is fully released the engine then cuts power (i.e goes to idle setting) and if I don't close throttle completely it then carry's on in an "on/off series of hick ups. The same thing can happen in top gear and say 60 mph. Touching the throttle again results in normal / perfect operation. To me it feels like a throttle position sensor/signal/calibration issue but as I don't have any diagnostic equipment yet and the problem is intermittent I would appreciate some guidance from those that might know :)

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  • 9 months later...

Hi there. Have you had any luck with your throttle issue? I have been googling and found this post which sounds very similar to the problems I am experiancing. When you back off the throttle it almost goes back to idle instead of a smooth run down and can make the drive very jerky. Be interested to know if you have found a solution.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys.Sorry for the late reply but sort of gave up on this forum as was disappointed I never got one reply ! Anyway i never did get to the bottom of the issue but it does seem to "disappear" in warmer weather which leads me to suspect that it is an air temp sensor/maf/remap calibration issue. Disco up for sale now and been using it as a second car since September. Been running it regulary and noticed the issue back now it cold again ? Still a mega vehicle and will be sad to see it go but doing a lot of mileage for work now so cant handle the mpg ! Cheers Drive

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Plugging it in to diagnostics would help you move forward. I would expect to see 'air flow high fault logged' with this, which usually points to either a sticky turbo actuator/wastegate or faulty MAF sensor. If you unplug the MAF sensor and the problem goes away then you have your culprit. Steve

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