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Smokey prob.. air hose fixed but still smokey..


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I had a hole in one of my (intercooler?) air hoses (see pic, the one with the tape around it) http://i.imgur.com/chETnd0.jpg

I changed the hose for a nice set of Silicon ones http://i.imgur.com/F2f4zko.jpg

This has sorted the performance and the car drives pretty normally, however...

On start up and first acceleration in-particular it chucks out a fair bit of grey smoke and in general it seems to have an air of smokey -ness around it, it smell of smokey diesel when you stop etc etc.

I assumed it was the hole in the hose that was causing the smokey ness but it still persists. Does the sensor need changing? Are they available separately?

There appears to be a small quantity of oil in these hoses, is that normal?

Also I appear to be slowly using engine oil up..

Before I take it to a garage it would be great to tick off any easier fixes that I could do myself.

Any suggestions??

THanks in adavance!! :D

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Ok so I've changed the crank case filter and after some initial smoke we seem to be mostly smoke free so far.

I took a pic of the old one:


Thats also known as the 'PCV breather filter' right?

It was totally saturated with oil. The rubber seals were actually in really good condition (though i still changed them as well) so I'm guessing that the hole I had in the air hose had causes oil to be pulled through into the crankcase filter??

Is '... check the EGR valve (I'd fit a bypass if you haven't already)... ' worth doing anyway? Have you got a useful link to a previous thread with some pointers on that?

Many thanks!!


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Yuk! No harm in changing that for a fresh one!

If you search back in the FL forum for EGR you'll find plenty of info. It recirculates exhaust gas into the intake for emissions, but the valves clog & stick. Replace with what's basically a bit of straight pipe and it does make a difference. Blanking kits are over eBay from £25 to £100 (for the very shiny but no better Alisport version).

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Ok so I've changed the crank case filter and after some initial smoke we seem to be mostly smoke free so far.

I took a pic of the old one:


Thats also known as the 'PCV breather filter' right?

It was totally saturated with oil. The rubber seals were actually in really good condition (though i still changed them as well) so I'm guessing that the hole I had in the air hose had causes oil to be pulled through into the crankcase filter??

Is '... check the EGR valve (I'd fit a bypass if you haven't already)... ' worth doing anyway? Have you got a useful link to a previous thread with some pointers on that?

Many thanks!!


Yes that's the beastie: if it's clogged then pressure of combustion-gases built up in the crankcase as a part of normal engine operation forces a mist of engine-oil-containing vapours into the intake side of the engine - where it burns and gives exhaust-smoke.

If it gets really bad, the accumulated back-pressure can destructively force oil out through various gaskets on the engine - and - worst of all - past the turbo oil-seals.

Looks like you've caught yours in time!

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