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HTS2000 - any advice on usefulness?


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Query for the welding experts:

HTS2000 weldybrazy stuff? Would this be suitable for my purposes inside my aluminium liftup roof? I'm getting the proper welder fellow to do the pretty TIG welds on the outside of the frame for me - the ones that are seen and very structurally important.

But there are a load more little spot welds needed inside to attach the various L brackets that bolt the new roof to the old roof, and to put in attachment points (lots more L brackets) for ply to be screwed to etc. which it would make sense to do myself.

And there's also the 19mm box section framing for underneath the roof panel to do, needing attached to the frame and to itself to create the skeleton to support the roof sheet.

Would this HTS stuff be suitably strong enough for all of this?

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