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Just Popped In....

Mr R Green

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Hello everybody.

Richard Green is the name, and publishing is me game. ha ha ha - thats a joke you know :lol:

I had a website once myself don't you know, waste of time really, all these people with odd names telling each other about special modifications and ideas to improve develop and rebuild their Land Rovers, I mean I ask you HAH.....how quaint, and no paper involved HAH !

In the end you know it got so popular I had to shut it down.

I did get very very very cross and had to in the end throw all of my toys around and out of my little pram ....as they say "BIG TIME".

Problem is I have lost one,

I have searched high and low and it just seems to have vanished, be everso grateful if you could all look under you keyboards for it.

Its called 'Ann Ounceof', and its just plain common sense to have it back in my pram along with all the other little toys I have, this one missing is causing me now real concern and my colleagues too..

So, anyone who can find me Ann Ounceof, common sense would they please send it to me, as I really need it..

Regards to you all,

Mr Green .

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Ah Richard, there you are!

Got the monthly cheque thanks, you are a generous man, and quite attractive too if I may make so bold.

We would like you to take some control of this forum, there are some undesireable characters in here that with your expertise, you could soon remove.

Alos, there are some right clever dicks infecting the place, any chance you could impart some wisdom as to how to deal with them. I thought website closure followed by petulant silence. What do you reckon?

Love to to wifey (hope she's ok) and KG if he's there.

Les, :D

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Mr Green

There is a rumour going round these parts that you are an unpleasant, ill-mannered and down-right awkward little scum bag with a sharp nose for cut-price HR management skills.

I for one don't believe it, nor the rumours about cross-dressing parties at Hilly Ledge, Norfolk.

Nor the rumours about that pram.

You de man!! You de Boss. Take that High Five, yo!!

If you are looking for a ruddy big group of nancy boy bottom lickers then you have come to the right place.....Addict Members seem to be a pretty exercisey bunch who can't stand the thought of a fight.

So a complete takeover looks a distinct possibility. Let me know if you want any help.

I know they'll be happy to have you moderate all of the the forums.... or maybe bring in one of your friends from Scrapiron, or the MD of Dodgy Off Road Tyres, or even the boy Hoddle - it's really up to you.

Look mate - I can call you mate, Mr Green? - if you want to launch another website, or just make a blinding success of this one, I'm sure they'll all be happy to stand right behind you [well there's definitely been talk of blokes coming up hard behind you, but I might have mis-heard that one].


I've only got one question, if I may, Mr Green, mate - how do you get that dork look in all those photos? That's got to be trick photography....hiding that steely, muscle-toned athletic exterior. Bloody good editorial judgement mate! And those dark glasses.....so cool, so retro 1950s! In fact, come to think of it, all your colleagues look the same - great selection mate, the punters will flock in.

Best wishes


[Will await email....and, yes, I will wash your Mondeo].

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Mr Green

There is a rumour going round these parts that you are an unpleasant, ill-mannered and down-right awkward little scum bag with a sharp nose for cut-price HR management skills.

I for one don't believe it, nor the rumours about cross-dressing parties at Hilly Ledge, Norfolk.

Nor the rumours about that pram.

You de man!! You de Boss. Take that High Five, yo!!

If you are looking for a ruddy big group of nancy boy bottom lickers then you have come to the right place.....Addict Members seem to be a pretty exercisey bunch who can't stand the thought of a fight.

So a complete takeover looks a distinct possibility. Let me know if you want any help.

I know they'll be happy to have you moderate all of the the forums.... or maybe bring in one of your friends from Scrapiron, or the MD of Dodgy Off Road Tyres, or even the boy Hoddle - it's really up to you.

Look mate - I can call you mate, Mr Green? - if you want to launch another website, or just make a blinding success of this one, I'm sure they'll all be happy to stand right behind you [well there's definitely been talk of blokes coming up hard behind you, but I might have mis-heard that one].


I've only got one question, if I may, Mr Green, mate - how do you get that dork look in all those photos? That's got to be trick photography....hiding that steely, muscle-toned athletic exterior. Bloody good editorial judgement mate! And those dark glasses.....so cool, so retro 1950s! In fact, come to think of it, all your colleagues look the same - great selection mate, the punters will flock in.

Best wishes


[Will await email....and, yes, I will wash your Mondeo].

This is disgraceful,

I wish to point out in the strongest possible manner, that I am not 'unpleasant' in any way.

I am 'unbelivably obnoxious' purile, shortsighted, incredibily annoying and weasely.

I would therefore be grateful if you could, in the future, get your facts straight

Mr R Green

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