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Posts posted by Matt BADLRC

  1. Sorry carn't do this one as we'll be in Ireland doin the 3 peaks, But need to get the entry form off for round 4 as it's only up the road for us.


    We still need to do a site visit for Round 4 as we have heard rumors that it might not be as suitable as we first though we will keep you posted but it wont be far away if it moves. we need to have a look first :(

  2. ill be there its only 5 mins litrally up the road just like twiggy.

    dont exactly no what the 90 will look like after the break, or even if it'll still be a 90 :o

    the roll made a bigger mess than i thought, gods knows what it landed on when it went over ;)

    Matt its worth making a note to people trailering to the site that they need to come to the site uphill as there isnt the room to turn into the site coming from mow cop down the hill.


    Yes thanks Dan it will be in the finals all noted many thanks

  3. winchman_challenge.jpg

    The Clubman Challenge is currently on its summer break and will restart on 24th October 2010 at Mow Cop Staffordshire. We use a two card system on these events with 40 punches laid out on the ground giving a potential of 80 punches for the weekend. The event is for single vehicles and the entry fee is £50. access to the site is good and parking will be on hard ground. A number of you have already entered but if you haven't you will be very welcome and we look forward to hearing from you. Perhaps we will see some new Trucks from the Bolton & Lancashire area.

    more details can be found at www.clubmanchallenge.co.uk

    we are pleased to have the support of Winchman this year for more details vist there website www.winchman.co.uk

  4. what an ace weekend , really enjoyed it , dispite it being a single vehicle event the team spirt was amazing every one was willing to lend a hand , and parts all weekend (really need to get in touch with the boys from Rhyl to return there prop shaft and thank them in person)

    big thanks to the organisers and marshels they really are a top bunch :D

    keep up the amazing work guys see you at Mow cop in a few months

    I have just found the forms and sent two emails I am awaiting a reply

  5. Thank you all for your comments and feedback, total dedication from Simon & Mike who were going home until we posted the over night results on the caravan door, glad you stayed guys thank you, well done to Malcolm & Chris, and thank you to everybody else for supporting the form of event entries. thank you to Steve for the loan of some extra punches to make things easier allowing us to set up the whole event in one go. And thank you to the Welsh Reconnaissance team for there much needed help and support and hard work with our last two events.

    Thanks again guys we look forward to seeing you all soon, go and tell all your friends they are all very welcome on any of our future events :):):)

  6. Well after 2 full days of eating dust I've just dived out of the shower.

    Great weekend, very very hot, vey dusty, very tiring,

    Manys thanks to the local Welsh rallyclub for running screaming rally cars out all night on the lanes around the site, to the bloke with the shotgun at 4.30am, for the cow at the farm calling all night for her calf, and the dawn Chorus at 4.50'ish was fantastic, I ended up like Victor Meldrew trying to get some kip.

    Broke 3 ropes Saturday and nearly flattened Dan Thomas (who was below me) with a backflip when it went but thankfully it settled on a tree.

    Lost a trackrod end of the steering bar Sunday in a section later, then a puncture with the tyre of the rim (halfway up a big pull) then much to Dans amusment couldn't get back in the motor after we changed it, then finally lost the solonoid on the rear winch.

    But thorougly enjoyed ever minute of it, some very good punches, a couple of great Special stages, especially the one the "numties from Stoke" rolled on, thanks to Matt and the crew, the Marshalls again friendly and helpfull, always smiling.

    Thanks to all including the competitors and hopefully see you all soon.


    Well who would have thought that Bala & District Motor Club would have had a check point in the layby outside the site, and when they saw our yellow B.A.D arrows at the bottom of the farm drive they kept wrong slotting into the farm drive instead of the lay bye.

    Sorry you didn't like the cabaret that was on over night, the locals enjoyed it watching it all from the top of the hill near the wind farm watching them out on the nearby lanes.

    The best of it was I had a guy in and orange transit who stuck his head in the caravan at about 8pm saturday and wanted to sign on marshaling for the check point. our yellow arrows confused the issue some what!!!

    other than that glad you enjoyed it Mr Booth :)

  7. I am currently looking into that and I will get back to you.

    Boothy due to a technical issue with one of the tools supplied to the special stage Marshall for him to record the results he was unable to write your time on the SS4 sheet, hence it was not entered in to the spreadsheet at the end of the day. We have now amended the result sheet showing your score. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused Mr & Master booth.

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