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  1. I had a VM 2.5 engine in a Jeep Cherokee. I treated it with velvet gloves just like mentioned above. The youngish guy who bought the car from me blew the engine up after 4000km, he didn't wear any velvet gloves.
  2. Stephen nails it. Exactly my experience, to the letter almost As far as the new Defender is concerned, I like everything about it except its price. The discussion Here is almost copy/paste of the heated debate I participated in back in the day when Porsche decided to abandon the air cooled engine. I am, was actually, a long time air cooled driver but I can also accept that continuing with the old concept would have been suicide. I still love the smell and the noise of the old generation but I also realize that the new 911 is better in every aspect.
  3. Thinking about taking 1500€ along 🤨. That's about as much as I want to spend. We'll see, exciting nevertheless.
  4. Ok I'm convinced 😬. How much cash do I take along?
  5. I have 3d RRC V8 and a 4d RRC 300TDI, they fulfil all my needs. So I thought until a friend of mine send me this picture this morning. They're standing beside a barn near his house. I not only want them but I need them, don't ask me what I will do with them though. Promised myself to not take cash with me when I knock on the farmer's door.
  6. Call me silly but I want to keep the car original. I also have a softdash 300TDI from 95 which I might tune a bit.
  7. After a year long RRC sabbatical I have picked-up things again. Finished the rear panels, covered them with the same vinyl which is practically identical to the one used at the factory. It seems a straightforward job but the corners are difficult. For me the key is to glue (spray glue 08080 from 3M) larger parts and let it dry before starting on the corners. It takes time but the result is pretty much ok.
  8. Many thanks to all. I hadn't quite discussed the further proceedings with the mechanic but in the meantime I have a reply which is totally in line with the suggestions made here. I'm glad I didn't get carried away and ordered the set, I so like buying shiny bits.
  9. Ok makes sense I guess but I'd hate having to get the engine out again any time soon afetr the work is done. The engine has done 200k km's and was mainly used in terrain and forest trails, a pretty hard life she had. Any idea on the specific tools which would be needed?
  10. I'm handing over my 3.5 V8 to a trusted mechanic who is used to rebuild 911 engines but who agreed to take on rebuilding my RRC engine. I am considering getting the complete rebuild kit but am a bit unsure if this is actually a good deal. In addition I would like to find out whether he will need specific tools for rebuilding the V8. Thanks!
  11. Any more thoughts on the subject?
  12. What is the gold standard to do this? My guess is that they never received a good cleaning since leaving the factory in 89. Can the cloth be taken off and put in the washing machine? Powerwasher seems a bit too drastic but I'd love to hear from people with experience.
  13. I don't have FB but I just might do it for the sake of joining the RRC restoration group.
  14. It does sound like Russian roulette. I had read here and there that the shocks can be ok, I wasn’t prepared to take the gamble with the water pump. Tons of early faillure stories out there.
  15. I've read quite some stories about the reliability of certain Britpart spares and the anxiety attacks some people seem to experience when they discovered that the spare parts they ordered came in a blue box. So far my experience is positive with spares ranging from bumper blades over shock absorbers to various plastic trim pieces. I know for sure that I would have paid 5 times the price for some of the door trim pieces I bought if the car was from a German brand. I will admit that I chickened out for brakes and a water pump but all the rest seems really fine and offered at a very competetive price. Which parts specifically are to be avoided?
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