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Posts posted by Oldopels

  1. I’ve changed the square brick plenum to a classic slopy top type and consequently now have a different stepper motor.

    I need to modify the wiring from the rectangular plug to a square plug but don’t know which wires go where!

    This is the current plug and wiring - the plug is marked A, B, C & D;


    And this is the socket on the classic type stepper motor I’ve now fitted;


    So the the question is which is A, B, C & D on this square socket?


    Thanks in advance for your help 😁

  2. That’s a very kind offer @FridgeFreezer, can I bank that for another day (another problem)?

    I’ve measured everything up and I’m happy that the flywheels as they are fitted are within 1mm of each other. i.e. the same. I think the problem may be with the starter but it was behaving itself when I did a bench test so I’ve cleaned it all up and put it back on. So far no problems. 🤞


    Are all flywheel dimensions the same and therefore interchangeable?

    I have a 4.6 gems engine that was originally mated to an automatic gearbox but I have swapped this for a manual flywheel for a LT77 box.

    I found a NOS manual flywheel and fitted it without too much thought but sometimes, only sometimes, the starter doesn’t engage properly and there is a terrible gnashing of teeth. (Mine and the flywheel!)

    The possibilities I have considered are;

    1) The manual flywheel sits too far from the starter and the solenoid can’t throw the gear far enough and I may need a different starter?

    2) My original starter and manual flywheel configuration are fine but the started is playing up and needs refurb or replacement?

    3) The flywheel I bought wasn’t actually a P38 manual flywheel at all 😬?

    4) I’m an idiot?

    5) Any combination of the above.

    If you know what’s causing the problem or better still know the answer I’d love to hear from you.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Are all flywheel dimensions the same and therefore interchangeable?

    I have a 4.6 gems engine that was originally mated to an automatic gearbox but I have swapped this for a manual flywheel for a LT77 box.

    I found a NOS manual flywheel and fitted it without too much thought but sometimes, only sometimes, the starter doesn’t engage properly and there is a terrible gnashing of teeth. (Mine and the flywheel!)

    The possibilities I have considered are;

    1) The manual flywheel sits too far from the starter and the solenoid can’t throw the gear far enough and I may need a different starter?

    2) My original starter and manual flywheel configuration are fine but the started is playing up and needs refurb or replacement?

    3) The flywheel I bought wasn’t actually a P38 manual flywheel at all 😬?

    4) I’m an idiot?

    5) Any combination of the above.

    If you know what’s causing the problem or better still know the answer I’d love to hear from you.


    Thanks in advance.

  5. Thanks guys. 

    So it won’t damage the ecu if I connect them up the wrong way round? I thought it would send the opposite message 1:36 not 36:1 🤷‍♂️

    Also are there different cps’s for manual and automatic. I’ve changed the flywheel and the sensor seems to be too far away from the trigger wheel. If they are different does any one have a part number for the manual one?



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