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Posts posted by Badger90

  1. Have a look further back down the drivers side one as it looks like there is a corrosion hole on the top edge further back into the engine bay...

    yeah i did notic that the morning i found out.. just though it was bit of rust.

    i got the bumper off in the dark so i couldnt look properly will look again tomorrow and see if it is a crack

  2. haven't replaced one myself, but others on here have, before deciding on new section, give these a good going over with a wire brush & a decent size screwdriver to find out how much work there's going to be, if it's only that top hole where the bumper bolt has ripped it, I'd just repair that & a few good coats of chassis paint should see it last a lot longer.

    oh yeah ill have a look first.. but the dodgy patch work doesnt help haha

  3. The one in the first set of pictures looks badly corroded- and has been poorly repaired at some point as well with a patch on the inside face. I would do a bit of digging with a screwdriver and really hack at the rust to see how far it is gone- worst case scenario it might need replacing because of the corrosion not the crash. Second one looks in better condition.

    yeah thats what worryed me about that dumb iron.. i saw the patch..

    as you said i will have dig about.. but all the chassis arms are inline i matched it with my mothers 90.

    i think that patch was a home job.. iv only had this 2 years and it hasnt had any chassis work done.. apart from one of the out riggers needs patching.. or somthing.

  4. got the bumper off ok.. the bolts are buckled, i dont think there will be a change of streighting the rad sarround. so a new rad sarround so then i maybe able to out that wing that is slightly twisted. well try..

    i will some pictures of the dumb iron tomorrow when its light.. look like one has all ready been replaced..

  5. Good to hear, No witch hunt, I'm sure he didn't so it on purpose.

    once you get the bumper off you'll be far more aware of what's damaged.

    trouble is getting the bugger off.. its isnt going to be easy is it? lol do you or anyone know of anyway that i could get it without involving a ginder lol.. because mine broken :(

    if i can get one i thought of cutting throught the middle of the bumper and pushing it streight but then the bolts are still buckled arnt they?

  6. i have one.. its great.. i didnt know of such thing. but my brother know one of the girls in my local halfords and he told.. i went streight up there and got one.

    saved a fortune on oils, tools. i get all my tools from there.. there good enought for me. i got a big tool kit.. was £100 trade was £67! and ratchet spanners £37 trade was £20 :rolleyes:

    cheers sam

  7. Re insurance if your mate was driving was he a named driver on your policy ?

    If he was driving with your permission as he has a "drive any vehicle not belonging etc " on his insurance then he will only have 3rd party cover (which is not you) so his insurance is not interested

    If your mate is not a named driver on your policy (or you have a "any driver" clause ) then your insurance policy then they will not be paying out . so there is no point in telling them esp if its going to be classd as a write off i.e. beyond economical repair.

    well i not going though in incurnce only if there is chassis damage..

    he paying for another bumper, a-bar and if we cant streighten the rad surround then new one.. out hes pocket..

    i dont wont to make to much of a fuss over this.. at first i only asked if anyone though there might be any chassis damage!!

    i dont hate him for it.. im Mildly miffed off but im glad he hit the buimper and not anywhere els on the truck... if it was my new axles where broken that i only fitted last month then i would off been very peeved off.

  8. May be completley off here, but have a look at that dent in the middle where it is bent right in...it looks very rectangular in shape. Now I may be going crazy, but since when have trees been that shape? You sure he said a tree?

    If fact I don't want to be pessimistic but looking at a first glance at the dent I would have said that he hit a tree head on....but.....looking more closely there appears to be an upper and lower 'lip' to the dent....and some interesting scratch marks. Makes you wonder if he is being completely honest about this? Wouldn't want you to start a hate campaign against him, but if this was mine I would want to know the truth...as someone else has mentioned, may be worth digging a bit to fit out exactly what he did hit?

    yeah i get your point..

    i took a piccy of the tree that was hit.. it had fresh bark stripping on the floor and it clear that it was hot..

    well i hope his being honest ha ha..

    in some way that's good where it was hit because that bumper soaked the impact.. if that was side on or hit the axle like what happened to mother 90 it did a ridiculous amount of damage to the chassis witch was class c written of.. i will be gutted if mine got written off..

    top photo is the tree

    middle mums 90

    bottom mums 90 (got hit up the back my a micra at 70mph)

    but it could be like that.. it still drivable (but i not driving till its fixed)




  9. ...there again ;)

    Perhaps you ought to give your mate a bit of rag so that he has something to wipe windows with in future.

    there was sock that i keep in there for that job.. but he just didn't know it was there.. all he was supposed to do is drop me off and park her up for the night lol.. god knows really!!

    in future i don't think anyone will be driving but me! apart from family

  10. How "Good" a mate was he? :o

    & was he insured (daft question-but had to ask)

    You need to look behind the impact, what else has moved/broken free?

    yeah he is insured.. or i wouldn't of let him drive.. it was a accident.. window where misted up couldn't see..

    anyway i looked.. the little holes on the sides of the dumb irons look like there sticking out and where the tree hit in the middle it and has basically sliced the bumper like a knife though butter..

    and i think it has stretched the bolt holes for the bumper..

  11. err right.. last night i was doing a pub crewl that writtle college have once a year for charity..

    i missed the last mini bus into chelmsford so i got a good mate to drive me. so he did..

    woke up this morning to 2 rather worrying phone calls that my trucks front end was all caved in.. at first i thought they where winding me up (not the first time lol) and i saw.. well it was true.. i dunno what he he did but managed to smash my truck into a tree :angry:

    i looked it over.. im quite worried about offside dumb iron.. it looks like it twisted and split? <_<

    if it is split will be ok to be welded? but it all looks like its been welded before? i also worried that might twisted the chassis slightly?

    any ideas? it was hit fairly hard them bumpers take some bending dont they?

    cheers Sam


  12. yeah there some good pointers.. cheers..

    but if you take little spears with you i.e brake pads, brake cylinders.. how will you go about major jobs? i.e gearbox, clutch or transfer box? just find a local guarge that can? but what about finding a new box if ones needed?

    i watched that topgear epesode last night on iplayer.. very interesting.. but there isnt many slat marshes there is there? a faily heafty land rover kitted out with a trailer will wight a fair bit lol..

    also wouldnt it be a little risky sitting up tents and that anywhere willy nilly because of some of the wold life?

    cheers sam

  13. hmmm thats a good idea.. thats adds alot to storage as well.. still a ecuse to take loads of carp haha.. may i ask how much did it all cost? as in the hole jorney? i know austraila will differ in costs. but it will give me rough idea how much i will need to gather.. so to be so rude!!

    did the trailer pull the truck up much then? anymore then a roof rack would?

    would any performence gear help i.e large intercooler and tweaked pump.. would they help to the fuel consumption?

    il leave it at that.. or ill keep reeling questions like know tomorrow!!

    cheers sam

  14. ^^^^^What he said^^^^^^

    200TDi autoboxes are hard to find. However, I did hear a rumour that the autobox is the same as the 300 variety but it is the adaptor plate that joins it to the engine that is different. Still, finding the adaptor plate wil be just as hard.

    I would think the quickest way forward is to sell on the 200TDi engine and torqueflight as separate entities and get a scrap 300TDi auto disco. That way you can be sure you will have all the main bits available.

    Oh, Sam - I finished mine ages ago :P :P

    oh splended.. is it going well? i still want to do it to mine.. haah

  15. yeah is posible but you finding a 200tdi auto box is like rocking horse carp!! i found one couple weeks back on ebay.. here but its gone.. but if you get make sure you get the hole truck for doner.. or it could turn rediculoisly expensive..

    if you want to put a 300tdi auto in. youll need to move your eninge foward 6" or so. the 300tdi box is 6" longer then the 200tdi box..

    but then you have eather have new tunnleing made up or adapt it to fit the selector and you wont be able to have middle seat..

    or you can just talk to bishbosh.. he is doing this to a 200tdi somthing.. i have contacted him about this question.. or you can contact ashcrofts they will be able to tell you alot about doing the conversions..

    hope this helps.

    cheers sam

  16. cheers guys..

    i have had a look at godlys threads.. will email him soon. it sounds rather complicated when it come to the carnets. but there rather expensive..

    i have looked into doing one for charity but its just finding the sponsers for gear and truck or just the gear and fuel.. well im still looking into that but i still prefer going my own or have 1 or 2 poeple with me and then the costs can be sheared but will have to get a a 110 or 130 truck then and bigger gear which will cost little more..

    if you have 2 people in a 90 it will be little tight in space wouldnt it?

    cheers sam

  17. hi all..

    im rather interested in all this.. i have been looking up doing a expedition for a good 2-3 months now.. but it seems that i just have not done enough looking up..

    could anyone tell me what the pro's and con's are for the yellow rought? im planning on doing this somtime in the next 1-2years or so after i have finshed uni and gathard enough funds.

    i don't knwo much about traveling but from what i gather you have to wait in each contry for a visa to get into the next? but do you get a set time your allowed in each contry?

    but would a k reg 200Tdi 90 be up for the job?

    cheers sam

  18. hi all..

    iv been thinking about this for a few months now.. i finish college next june.. and i really want to do a expedition from uk to egypt and then onto cape town..

    be for i will need to go a harvest.. but most harvests iv been earning £5-6000 but im epecting i will be needing alot more then that?

    if anyone has done it what will be needed and what sort off budget will i need for it? also visa's? do i need to visas for each contry will be crossing or for just some places? and how long do they ususaly take.. i know you can spend how ever long in easth place as you wont?

    will a 200tdi 90 be up for the job or willl i bee needing 110? im sticking to 200tdi i know them off the back of my hand now and there a bloody good engine..

    and will my truck have to notifyed by anyone? is there any laws on how long will be allowed to stya in each contry withough beeing registerd (if there is such thing in most places)

    iv been following the globle discovery in the lro (i think) thats been giving me rough ideas on most things..

    cheers sam

  19. from what you've said above sounds like just bad or corroded connectors.

    errm i have conciderd the brake pedal wires..because the water did reach its ways up there..

    one of the side lights did have a wire that looked like it had been cup but i rejoind that..

    im not sure but i still recon its a earth.. when i press the brake pedal the side light come on and tail light as well as the green light on the dash!!

    cheers sam

  20. it's hard to see, you'll need a torch & just find the front lights wiring & follow it from the lights towards the inner arch, your looking for black wires attached by a hex head bolt/nut.

    only other way is to remove the front lights & work through the hole the headlight bowl fit into.

    ok then thank you.. i mixed the ligths around a bit and the head light thaty didnt work now works.. but the side light and tail light haha..

    cheers sam

  21. I brought a uprated intercooler off twisted.. i was told if i got a full size intercooler the turbo wouldn't be able to preaurise the air properly.. now i don't know if it true or no.. i got a standard size one but give a extra 15hp witch is enough for me bearing in mind i have tweaked the pump..

    a few people have put a td5 standard intercooler on there 200-300Tdi's.. apparently they go like hell and.. keeps and EGT down that little bit more and its not to big that the turbo cannot pressurise it..

    don't ask hey they have fitted them.. iv totally forgotten haha..

    cheers Sam

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