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Everything posted by Frax

  1. Welcome Jase looks like a nice job has been done there.
  2. Widetrack Sankey manual for anyone who wants it - saves paying sellers on flebay. http://leo.mocce.com/~guido/sankeytrailer3-4tonwide1980partscatalog(2).pdf
  3. Found some more if anyone is interested - just got this email but I think they are in Ireland. The 1 I had on gumtree is sold, but I have a few others. I have 1 wide track with drum brakes and tailgate, 3 wide tracks with disc brakes and tailgates. All of these are £250 each. Have 1 narrow track which doesn't have tailgate. £350. Some of these need tubs repaired. Call me on the mobile. 07721 746 801 if you are interested. Cheers Billy Regards Frax
  4. Hi again G, Just went out for a shipping quote again now I have bought and have excepted a quote of £156, I recon it would have cost more than that in fuel. I can only thank you again for you very kind offer. (Only once worked off Gt Y and did not like watching pup goers from the rig when I was stuck onboard) If you ever need anything up this way PM me. not much up here mind you.
  5. I you will find that you will loose quite a lot of blood owning a Landi, there is always something to fiddle with and inevitably cut your self on. Blood & guts go into them but you will love & even hate it at times. enjoy............
  6. Its 4 ft 7 1/2" wide and 9 ft 7 1/4" long to the point of the hitch, That's a really great offer and I really appreciate it, I only wish you knew for sure as it needs to be picked up this week. I think I will email the delivery company and book as I do not know how much notice they need. I am also away the following week (North Sea) hence my problem. If you do find your are heading up though do let me know, I dont know if you need to pay these companies up front or not. Thanks for the offer G
  7. Best quote I have had so far is £299 sadly but that looks like its as good as its going to get.
  8. Well all is not lost, just costing me more than most. Won a widetrack on flebay tonight just need to sort out delivery from Shropshire.
  9. I fitted an electric fan to my 300tdi and also sometimes tow a 3.5 t trailer and the fan has never cut on. I just hope that it does not seize as some day I might need it, you never know. As said you might never need it but if you do ???????
  10. Well when I found it I most say my hopes went up, then I found out it was about a 5 hour drive to get there - even worse the advert was 2008. Why O why do Google do that. I have now been able to filter my google search so hope that anything I find now will be up to date.
  11. Thanks for that John, I did email them but as yet have had no reply. If you look at there web site now there are no mention of Sankeys and I think that google link is from 2008 sadly. Wish it was true and you never know they may reply. Thanks anyway Frax
  12. Sorry about the last message as it was sent from my mobile, For info the company I had the quotes from was http://army-uk.info/visit.php forgot to list it. I will just keep looking on ebay and any other places I can find, Have seen then on ebay for £175 up to £750 but that is ether tool trailers or well modified but again all down south, I have even seen them for sale in Ireland but again shipping is a killer for me. ferry cost was £168 for the Land Rover & a trailer + I would need to get to and from the ferry - this hunt could be a long one.
  13. I did and the best price I got was 299 which is OK but puts the price of the trailer above what I would. like to pay for something I have not seen. It would cost me that in fuel probably to pick up though. Will keep on hunting. I also work in the oil & gas industry and see trucks on the road half empty all the time but for then to spend an hour on a pickup might not pay.
  14. Hi all - I have been on the hunt for a Sankey widetrack trailer for some time but as I live in Aberdeenshire Scotland they never come up for sale and the only ones I can find are all hundreds of miles from me. I just thought I would share this with you - got an email this morning from a MOD supplier saying that they have a few in stock all widetrack, Drum brake ones for £450 + vat and disk brake £650 + vat. and for me £700 to deliver which puts it out of the game for me. They are in Doncaster. I have found one up here but he wanted £750 for it and there may even be vat on that. Far to pricey for me so the hunt goes on. Frax
  15. I used two gas struts but did have to trim the expansion tank bracket slightly, Clear/white expansion tanks are the best bet as the black is known to crack alone the seam.
  16. I used Scooby estate back door struts - two - and they are strong and may even lift with yer wheel but I don't have a bonnet mounted wheel so dont know. Would use them but also use original lock to hold it in place.
  17. Found the problem, pin had dropped out (well nearly) in the back of the warning panel plug . I remember when I did the conversion that I was determined to have good connections on all pins so I soldered every one of them, the problem I had then was the solder on some of the pins prevented them from locking into the plug. Try hard but never win
  18. Dont know but on the 300tdi it is next to the heater box on the bulkhead just below the wiper spindle.
  19. Will check my wiring to see if its still intact and then go from there, never a dull moment.
  20. Well got and fitted a new alternator today and according to my gauge I am now getting about 13v. Battery light still does not come on when I turn the ignition on so will have to have a look at that.
  21. Would do but its an TD5 warning panel which I think is LED may need to check voltage at the back of the plug though - mind you that probably wont work - need to look into how they work, relay changes state !!!! dont know.
  22. No the warning light is unlit - with ign on and engine off.
  23. I would say yes as they were when fitted about 2 months ago - might need to remove my seat and have a look though just to check.
  24. I was over to a friend house today, about 10 miles away. When I left home I found that my Defender did not start as quick as it usual does but it had been sitting for a couple of days. When I set off I noticed that my volt gauge was only reading 11.78v. When I left to come home it was back near 14v but dropped down again after about 6 miles. When I got home I put a Fluke on the battery and found it was reading 12.80v with the isolator switch turned off – turn it on and back to 11.78v. Start it up and still 11.78v. Another thing I noticed is that my stereo loses its pre-set channels. Tuned this back in and turned the ignition off – waited 5 min and turned it on again and pre-set’s were still there, however if I turn the ignition back on and turn the starter over the power goes from the stereo and pre-sets are lost. Dont know if this is just because the low start voltage drops even more to turn the starter motor !! Any thoughts welcome. Frax
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