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Posts posted by Frax

  1. Thanks Raymond will keep him in mind for future disasters. Phoned main dealer in Aberdeen Town & County and they had none :angry: so phoned Frank Ogg in Elgin and he had six. ;) Went to Elgin and picked 4 up - home and fitted - set the valves started her up and she ran as sweet as a nut :D apart from a strange metallic squeak. :huh: Still to find where it is coming from. Decided to take it for a run and all was well till I got back home and back into the garage. Noticed an oil drip - had a look underneath and it looks like the whole lot will have to come apart again, :o crank shaft seal has gone. Its not bad but a steady drip of about 1 per min. Looks like my old belt has ruined the seal as it was new about 2 months ago.

    Will it still be OK to drive till I order a seal as I am not going running round again - Dont want the oil spraying all over my new cam belt and wrecking it.

  2. Of out to have a look under the rocker cover, I know I should have done this before I started it. The only god send that might have saved me is the fact that the belt did not snap so I think its just jumped a tooth or two - will let you know soon. Started first turn of the key and I mean first turn even though I had the fuel pump off - never even had to bleed it.

    Well back to the garage for me ------- fingers crossed...........

  3. Well you wont believe this or maybe you will, Timing belt had gone. Turns out the the tension er bolt had worked loose - belt went slack and shredded.

    Hole lot apart , new belt now fitted but I still need to go back out and put the radiator back in. Just hope that no damage has been done. Turned it over quite a few times by hand and there are no strange noises so hears hopping. Will update you later.


  4. Removed pump today and it pumps fine, The problem seams to be that when the pump is mounted it does not pump. Fitted it with the feed to the filter pipe off and turned it over and never got any fuel delivery. Loosened the pump from the block and I was able to pump fuel through. Back on and turned it over again and got nothing. Hand pump does nothing on the engine but works fine when off. Tried this several times but got nothing when mounted. I am going to wait and see if the new pump is different. What drives the engine cam that drives the pump - could that be the problem ??????

    Any help welcome


  5. Thanks I think Les, as said I was just driving when I had a sudden loss of power and a puff of black smoke. Turbo gauge was still reading a vac. there are no signs of any leaks - oil or fuel. When I turned it over I was getting no smoke from the exhaust and it never even attempted to start. Is there anything else I need to look at while I wait for the new pump. Dont understand why I had a puff of black smoke either.

  6. Went for a run today, only about 20 miles and I think the diesel lift pump has gone. :angry: All of a sudden I lost power and had black smoke from the exhaust then stopped and had to be towed home. :blush:

    When I tried the lift pump there was no resistance and it felt like it was going passed the cam - feels rough.

    Just fitted it about 2 months ago. Turbo seams fine and no pipes have come loose.

    Anyway what is the best make of lift pump to fit as the last ebay one which was new has not lasted.



  7. Never made it out last night, got stuck in tonight though and have just finished. Did I tell you I absolutely hate working on my back...Started again and when bits started to chip off - I decided as Mo said to remove the prop and hand brake back plate, that done tried again and chipped more bits off - I was just about to give up (don't like to be beaten ) found a socket the right size that fitted into the cast sleeve - put an extension bar on and started to knock it about with lots of WD40. Eventually after cleaning the slot round the cast bush with a scalpel the bush started to move. giggled it about for about 1/2 an hour and it came free. The rest was easy old gear out (yellow) and new gear in (blue) and put it all back together.

    Went for a run and a lot better - not perfect but better - at 58 mph on clock I am doing 60 mph on sat nav which is not that bad.

    Mo having run lots of different size tires 33" is by far the best if ye like big.

    Still have a set of 33" BF which I might run for a while but they don't have a lot of tread left.

    Thanks for all the help.


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