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Posts posted by dirtyninety

  1. my buggys safety cell/main cage was £450 made out of CDS, all notched and bent. That ISNT a lot of money for a cage thats well over spec'ed and that i trust to keep me and my best mate alive.

    All the addiction tube work will be made out of blueband and similar to Barry Gee's tomcat, with be made sacrificial.

    Your an idiot if you expect to take part in a extreme sport without spending the money to keep your co-driver and yourself safe.

  2. We like to use the standard 300tdi era standard arms, bent then braced with some 5mm wall angle, never bent these with 3 years of challenging on them.

    I wouldnt like to use the earlier larger diameter arms, they're considerably lighter and thus i feel weaker. probably not the case however!

    The really really early RRC trailing arms are incredibly thin things, i've seen loads of those bent to buggery!

  3. The winners of KOV and KOP (not sure on the others, KOG is a event new this year) win paid transport and entry to the legendary American King of the Hammers.

    I've been and spectated and pit crewed for a team at KOV. Hopefully that is where my truck shall end up.

    If the MSA have pulled out, and we start using the American rules, it will make the sport a hell of a lot better.

    The american regs are far far more lenient regarding cage design.

  4. Have you checked the fuel pressure?

    IMHO black smoke means either too much fuel and the right about of air, OR the right amount of fuel, and too little air.

    Id be checking for collapsed intercooler hoses, sometimes they de laminate on the inside and sometimes they collapse.

    Was the MAF sensor a good quality replacement? Diagnostics should flag up any dodgey sensors.

  5. I did this to a Peugeot - the battery +ve was black and the earth red. I didn't work that out until the smoke stage. No damage apparent - and that was a few months ago.

    Your lucky! My friend tried to jump his 200 90 off a 206, it fried the ecu, which is connected to the ignition barrel, the keys had to be changed, along with all the key barrels in the doors. Cost 1500 to repair.

  6. I have stayed with a fairly standard height , but soft initialy suspension , The maxi drives definately make the biggest difference, the biggest difference is made by the rear locker, the front is pretty much only usable in a straight line either forward or reverse. The extra tractive force with all three diffs locked is quite amazing , 54 tonne on dirt and even 44 in snow on occasions !!

    How have you tested the tractive force?

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