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Getting Comfortable
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  1. Could be same as my disco. Rear output bearing on transfer box. mines going and making a ticking sort of noise on over run, progressed very quickly to ticking when ever slowing down. the bearing itself is about £2.50 and the seal 60p. ill be doing mine in the carpark in blue zone this weds/ thursday.
  2. ots not hard to fix. there is a seperate fuse for the heater behind the dash on the wire from the fusebox. in a inline fuse holder. has this gone? if not just take a fresh live from the ignition live side of the fusebox to the switch and then to the heater.
  3. ive always thought about replacing my air bags with a boxing glove , so when they try and start it and the alarms not deactivated they get a nice supprise. completely rediculous idea in reality but would be so funny to see.... as for what im actually doing, going to get a tracker fitted and a better after market alarm. if they want it, chances are they will get it. its just whether all the alarms and such cause them to get spooked and abandon the job. whichw ould people advise the most. a clutch claw type thing, or a wheel cover lock. ive been debating as to which would be best in terms of ease of use and security. opinions?
  4. Probably should've made that clearer .the wheels and tyres on the roof were brought up from his home for an offroading trip at some point. he had other wheels on it which were nicer for the long dirve.
  5. good news that i dont think discomikey has posted yet. The red 90 has been FOUND!!! 7miles away in a hedge. steering columb smashed and satnav stolen plus the 5 offraod tyres strapped to the roof. further more there is CCTV footage of the incident and they 90 is currently being dusted for finger prints. so we'll hopefully get them for this!
  6. i would remove the viscous fan, tdi's are generally overcooled in the mild british climate. i beleive that old transits radiator fans should fit... I cant remember for certain. or another investment could be a radiator muff? all that does is ristrict air flow through the radiator so should help it heat up faster.
  7. the common fault on discoveries like these is that the pully isnt lined up very well. like stated before the penny trick should sort this (putting a peny behind the tensioner) which puts it back into line. if it carries on it could possibly be the bearings inside the tensioner. which i think is around a 5er anyway. best to start with the penny as its 4.99 cheaper
  8. wish we had caught them. i live in the same house as discomikey and so angry i didnt hear anything! my disco was the one helping block his series in. actually makes you feel sick thinking about what theyve done and how easily it couldve been yours. :/ has spured me on now to get a tracker fitted to mine which will be fitted either this weekend or the following. i hope they catch the theiving scum
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