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Posts posted by JST

  1. If you have a higher voltage at the battery then check all the connections including earths 11.5v is low so unless your battery is knackered you have a connection or brocken wire problem. The fact you have any voltage suggests the switch is working fine iirc 12v goes to the switch then to the lamp.


    the switch is def working, as suggested.

    Not sure on voltage at switch - will need to check, connections are all good.

    anyone know where the feed comes from prior to the switch?

  2. Morning all,

    Just after a little help. C reg 90 with autobox and later td5 style bulb one piece holders.

    rev light does not work.

    i have 11.5v (engine not running) at bulb holder but bulb doesnt light. (std rev light bulb). done the normal - changed bulbs, checked the bulb holder etc (cont through it with bulb fitted)

    wiring to the autobox rev selector is all good.

    i am assuming the feed although showing nearly 12v cant carry the load.

    Where does it pick the 12v feed up from? behind one of the rear light clusters?

    What colour is the wiring for the rev light switch (green and green and brown?)

    i am assuming the gbox switch just makes a circuit for the 12v feed, with the feed coming from the rear light clusters?

    more then likely a bad earth i thought but i have tried it with different earth points/wires to the bulb - still nothing.

    if i fit a 9-24V led it will glow 'a tiny bit'!

    any help greatly appreciated.

  3. typically challenge guys run winches to suit the event they are on and depends on the vehicle weight and motors and voltage. for example Philon and i found + 60% was too much on twin 12v Bow3s so changed to +40%. he has a heavy car!

    a fair few run +60% front and + 40% rear with 24 through 12 twins

    Personally i run +25% front twin bow 3 switch-able 24/12 and single Bow 3motor rear again switchable.

    for increase in speed you loose torque. so if your doing SS events with easy pulls then +60 works well, if your doing big bogs and heavy gear then you dont want high gearing.

  4. Morning all,

    i have a 200disco lump in a defender, highish mileage.

    when the vehicle is left for a period exceeding 2 days without starting on the flat it struggles to fire, will turn over strongly upto 6 times then catch, cough a bit and then fire again.

    If its left facing uphill, it will do this after 1 day

    not tried it facing downhill.

    I am assuming air is entering the fuel system as some point and causing the issue?

    Would this sound about right and if so where are the likely points to check?

    have already checked leakoffs and fuel filter housing/fitting, bleed point.

  5. just had a look at it.

    lock stop was not touching anything, pedal was set 80mm above the floor and therefore nuts holding the 'lever' end of the pedal were at the end of the thread closest to the piston.

    have set it as per the WSM

    Will see how we go

  6. I suspect the master cylinder adjustment is off, preventing the fluid from returning the the reservoir when the pedal is released. As the engine warms up and heat is transferred to the hydraulic fluid via the slave cylinder, the fluid may be expanding enough to partially apply the release mechanism and allow the clutch to slip.

    so its missing the 1.5mm play.

  7. but that wouldn't explain the clutch bite point moving, unless the friction plate is wearing itself away..

    or the bite point moves as it needs less movement to generate the required pressur ein the hydraulics as the system is 'self pressurising' ws muy thoughts.

    the self pressurisings either through usage or pedal depressions or from movement when driving.

  8. i am after a little advice on this one. a neighbour has asked me about an issue they have. i have not seen the vehicle yet.

    vehicle is a 200tdi, HiCap 110 with 136k on it. they have had it about 18mths now.

    on purchase documents showed a new clutch (plate, cover plate, fork) had been fitted 6mths prior.

    After several months use, clutch was slipping.

    A new one was fitted, however it was noted the old friction plate was fine, although history in 6mths prior to purchase was not know so new one and cover plate and fork fitted anyway.

    All was good for 3mths or so, then started to slip.

    Since then master cyclinder & slave have been replaced.

    each time it works for 3-4mths then slips again. first use of the day it is fine and works as it should do but after long usage (ie country road driving for hour or so) it slips. Ok again next day.

    bite point rises with usage to the stage you could 'touch the pedal with a feather' (i quote) and it would actuate the clutch.

    my thoughts are incorrectly adjusted pedal and the pedal is moving whilst driving and pressurising the system. then on longer drivers (the hour plus or so) due to a bit of slippage throughout the heat generated increase slippage.

    Having said the garage he uses cant sort it!

    My suggestion will be to set it up as per the wksp man at correct pedal height with correct play.

    But assuming that does not solve it - any more ideas?

  9. Will run for years in it's current format. Can't see why it should change? Or need to. Does it run to any motoring organisation? MSA or the Croatian equivalent?

    i think TJ was hinting towards the fact Croatia joining the EU. it runs to no central organisation that i am aware of. i dont believe they even pay for the ground they use. i know we had to move campsite fields after the field that they had used for a while someone claimed ownership of and wanted some ££ for the use of it, so they just picked another field next door.

    i hope it stays as it is but i expect the perception within the powers that be will ensure things are changed there.

  10. when door tops are plastered you cant see out.

    bigger wheel arches are better!

    its a great event, i have been lucky enough to codrive for the last three. unfortunately CT13 wasnt a good year for us, head went on suspension testing so we changed that, then did the prologue and lost power, so changed the engine on day 2 and then it sort of went downhill from there. It was a long comp for me, i am giving it a miss for Ct14, too upset by how bad this year went!

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