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Ben Jordan

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Everything posted by Ben Jordan

  1. Im cool Just thought you were implying that the reason it was on the cover was because i had the right funny handshake.
  2. There is an article, But its not very in depth as there has been a few technical articles about it in LRM in the past. Oh yes.
  3. I've started another thread. As i'm sure i made the title of this one far too cryptic. HERE
  4. Im being serious i have not been on that forum. Does every cover car of LRM have to have an owner who is a member of LRA? Or does this forum just boycott LRM?
  5. Maybe the title to my other thread was far too cryptic. My motor has made the front cover of this months LRM
  6. Well im really chuffed that my car has made the front cover
  7. Has anybody else got the month's Land rover monthly (June) yet?
  8. A few more have been added here Clicky
  9. I might as well buy some genuine stuff for it. as i won't be buying any parts for them ever again.
  10. They are only up the road but i have been sold some really c##p quality stuff by them, especially gaskets.
  11. Sorry not that good with computers. So if it offends i will delete them. Okay i have deleted them, to save any offence and have posted on ORRP.
  12. But i can't have one side tin and the other composite can i?
  13. Do they have a website? Are those Real steel's part numbers? Is that a part number for a composite head gasket? As i think im going to put a tin one back on as i just want to get it on the road and not bother getting the other head off.
  14. Whats wrong with Real steel? Ive never heard of them or seen there adverts.
  15. Can somebody tell where the best place to get these composite gaskets are?
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