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Paul Humphreys

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Posts posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. I considered it when i built my new machine last month, however as i couldnt get a legit copy back then i didnt bother. XP does the job just fine and when the driver bugs etc are ironed out of the 64bit version i'll move over to that as itll go well with my C2D chip and buckets of ram i run :D

    If you got a OME copy of XP last month you would/should have had a free upgrade to Vista with it. All the ones I have build in the last few months have all had it with them. The offer still runs till the end of march and it works out cheeper than going straight to Vista.


  2. Look carefully at what you actually get with each version - from memory, Basic doesn't come with the new interface or quite a few bits of software that are bundled with higher priced versions. You might actually find it a step backwards from XP...

    I've not tried it personally (I don't own any hardware capable of running it...) but one of my colleagues has - he was quite impressed with it, found that although it appeared to hog lots of memory when first started it wasn't using any more as he started applications and stayed responsive. He had to remove it and reinstall XP after a few days because he needed to run software that didn't work on Vista (and we're talking latest version, mainstream Microsoft software here).

    I'll be steering clear for now - I don't think it's ready for use yet. Plus it still doesn't do anything I need that most free Linux distributions don't do on hardware with a quarter of the power...

    Yes its the striped down one and its tread price. But it is Vista.

    As for a cracked thares lots of them out there.

    I know someone working on Vista for MS and was told to stay away from it for atleast 12 months.


  3. I agree, and with 4 wheel drive vehicles that is mostly possible, however, more commonly I see trail bikes with no number plates being driven off track. Hard to report this.



    Yes this is true, and its only a £30 fine for no number plate and no points.


  4. I am waiting for North Wales Polics to get back to me as I reported a group 2 weeks ago. I have recived 3 email and 2 phone call sofar. I will post when I have heard back from.

    But unless people report them that are doing wrong then nothing is going to be done about it.


  5. As Les says, CB is fine in the hills if set up ok. Mine will get about 8 miles in the hills, so will others. Moblies are rubbish in the hills, only Orange works ok but even that is not to good. As for PTT then Nokia phones come with it as standard, wel mine dose but I have never used it.


  6. I know this is probably better in the Disco forum, but I'm hopefully going to look at one tomorrow, so need a few quick responses...

    What are they really like off-road??

    I know they're a little under powered for everyday use, but once they are in low range and trugging along, they can't be too awful - can they??

    The aim is to get myself a solid car as the RRC is unlikely to pass another MoT and this sounds like a good example and seems like a good place to start. Later to add a better engine....

    Anyone with some experience of them???



    I had one for a few months. Not that good off road, but good on it. Well ok. Off road theres no engine breaking to speak of and you have to rev it a lot. On road it went better than a TDI, but you do not want to try towing with it. Also remember its not a standard LT77 box and the clutch is not the same either. As for adding a bigger engine it has a full with rad with electric fans, but you will need to change the box as well.

    I give £800 for mine and it was almoust mint on a K reg with 77k miles on it with the clutch gone, sold it a few months later for £1700.


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