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Paul Humphreys

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Posts posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Is there not a threaded hole on the other side of the plate where the in / out ports are ?

    Not sure I will have it off again and remove the mounting plate.

    If so this can have a manula lever threaded into it and will then operate the on / off / on as oppossed to the bowden cably think on the end of the red cable

    There is a place for another leaver, I have seen one fitted before but not on mine. It was on a pic of one Les Block had for sale.

    I am wondering if the bowden cable is streched / incorrectely set so its only part movement, if the spool block has a threaded valve exit srew in a rod (mine was 10mm your will be metric :lol:) and try that

    You have said this to me before, but it seems to move the same amount both ways.

    The red clable bowden unit was designed so that the operator can use from inside the cab, they can often cuase probs, either answer re the bolt hole on the other side if you know or have a peek and advise (and if there is a flat "mounting plate" covering the sppol block then remove and look at the spool block itself...)

    As above I will take it all off and take a look and pictures tomorrow night, as long as I have time.

    when you say the small one goes to the motor do you mean the motor just behind the winch itself ????????/ or to a sepearte cylinder thingy (coke can size - tad smaller maybe) and is then connected to the throttle area ??


    Yes it goes from/to the winch drive motor, the one on the end of the short shaft. No hydraulic throttle control. as far as I can remember its stright to the motor as I have tried reving it myself.


  2. AFAIK It was fitted when new.

    I think its a single acting unit, well flows in/out.

    Yes just the one leaver on the dash, the red outer cable.

    All the pipes went back where I took them off. As for the small pipe, that goes down to the drive motor. All the other motors I have seen only have 2 pipes.

    Not sure what pipes are fore without looking again, but I will tomorrow.

    Yes the ones in/out of the pto are the same size. The one to the top right has the PRV just to the side of it, you can just see it in the picture.

    I had to remove it to change the PAS box a few weeks ago.


  3. 2500 PSI is correct for that winch

    May I dare ask how you know that it is set coreectly ?

    I would also suggest you plumb in the line a t piece at winch end and see if it equally show 2500psi when it stalls.

    I think this sounds susp like a pressure setting issue.

    Can you also starting at the tank do the this pipe is connecvted to this bit and then eventually end up back at the return on the tank, just to be sure its all plumbed up right.

    Start at the basics and work through

    From memory you'll want EP32 Hyd oil


    I know its 2500psi as I have had it tested, but thats all I know. It was tested at the drive motor by a hydraulics place, after talking to you about it a while ago. I have not tested it on all pipes, but maybe that is what needs doing.

    I have put new EP32 oil in along with new filter after flushing the system.


  4. The PRV is set to 2500psi and its doing 2500psi.

    But I still think now I have tried other things its the winch, as it might have been down rated to pull cables? I have tried PG winches and no joy. It might be time to call a specialist?


  5. Three Rights of way improvement plans for comment:-

    Nottinghamshire County Council.

    Closing date for comments is 14th May 2007.

    Notts County Council need feedback by May 14 on their draft plan for improving the county's public path network. The draft looks at the needs of visitors to the countryside and how the rights of way network meets demand. A copy of the plan is on display at major libraries and county contact centres in Notts. It is also available to download from www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/draftrowip.

    A comments form is available by calling 01623 825 491.

    Dorset County Council.

    Closing date for comments 29th June 2007.

    Please help shape the future of Countryside Access in Dorset by responding to this consultation. Copies of the consultation document can be viewed at, Dorset Libraries, Dorset County Council main reception, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester and on-line at www.dorsetforyou.com

    Further details are available from either; Tara Hansford, Tel: 01305 228577, Email: t.s.hansford@dorsetcc.gov.uk or Carol McKay, Tel: 01305 228577, Email: c.a.mckay@dorsetcc.gov.uk

    North Yorkshire County Council.

    Closing date for comments is 30th June 2007.

    The plan is being prepared jointly by the county council, the Yorkshire Dales National Park and the North York Moors National Park. Summaries are available at libraries, while the complete plan can be seen at district council offices and national park centres or by following links on www.northyorks.gov.uk where you will also be able to submit an on-line response.

    Further details are available from to the Policy Officer - Rights of Way Improvement Plan on 01609 532774. e-mail policy.development@northyorks.gov.uk

  6. hey Paul,

    it's really not going to be the auto box, unless the car doesn't actually drive. My hydrualic pump takes 72lb/ft at max torque and flow- your car can easily supply that at just about any rev range (unless you have a very old 2.25 maybe)

    make a few phonecalls to your local hydraulic gus- one of them will have experience of fitting or repairing hydraulic winches for local utility companies. My local branch of rotec fits superwinch kit to all LRs. If you want someone who knows what they're talking about then phone richard Renfree at Rotec in Taunton (01823 348900), he is extremely helpful and can supply any bit you might need!


    Wel looks like someone was given the wrong oil to top it up last time :unsure: ME!!! The oil looked ok when I got it and I asked at an "specailist" for some oil to top it up and it looks like I used the wrong stuff!! Just took the filter out and the oil was full to the top and not going through the filter. So 25l of new oil and a filter tomorrow (filter has a date stame of 1989 :ph34r: on it). I will refit the motor and try again before getting a new motor. So it looks like I will have to drain all the pipes to change all the oil :( . But as I said, its not worked since I have had it (12 months) I have done lots of other thing and keep going out every weekend it in. But I think its time I got it fixed.

    I also have some nice new Gwyn Lewis front turrets to fit, the ones with the built in spring relocators :)


  7. Thanks Matt, I was quoted a while ago about £150 for a motor. I dont mind as long as I get the winch working. I will get the filter out tomorrow and get a new one and new oil. Refit the motor and test it again. But I think its the motor as it will pull anout 8" then the shaft from the motor stalls. I know thios as Richard from Mill Services had his head under it while I used the winch :blink: . But yes its an Ex-southern electricy board 110. But its also an auto, so maybe it could be the auto not helping. PG Winches can help if its the winch, but not with the motor. I need to get a new cable from them when its all working.


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