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New section!

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Announcing the launch a special new section which the A&M team hope will prove of interest and benefit to all users of the forum.

The LR4x4 Differential & Axle Forum.

The mission is to make this THE place for all things Differential related across the ENTIRE Land Rover Range

This section is where videos about differentials will be posted. Videos about how differentials  work, what improvements can be made and how those improvements and modifications are carried out. We hope that this will be of interest and a way to build on your knowledge & understanding and for discussing and sharing of ideas. 

Here’s how it will work:
Once posted the videos will be locked but if you have a question all you need to do is check the INDEX of FAQ’s. If the answer you seek is not there feel free to start a thread and ask! Hopefully this will generate some interesting discussions.

Please keep all posts differential related! If it doesn't live inside either the front or rear axle tubes it doesn't belong in this section and will be removed. This section will moderated by the A&M team.

Note. While some of the video content has been produced by Xcess 4x4 they are posted here with the the co-operation and agreement of Nige [Hybrid_From_Hell]. They have been submitted purely on an information and instructional basis, without commercial intent and with the full agreement of the A&M team.

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Just spotted the new forum. 

I think it'll be an excellent addition to the technical information found here. 

I have done a lot of "messing" with axle conversions, hybrid axles and even building housings from scratch etc. (LR based but also Nissan, Ford 9in, etc) If there's any information that might be of use to forum members I'm happy to help. It's just one of those areas that if I don't say something here poeple might not know to ask. 




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