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Can anyone here turn metal?


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I'm progressing along with making a home made press ( pics will follow later with a write-up )

But my thoughts are turning towards actually pushing the bushes out. . . . . thats ssuming that the metal all holds together under the pressure :blink:

I have a 20t bottle jack and the top of the jack is just a round flat top about 30mm in width. Now, as most folk will know, the main bushes are not flat ended. The centre section sticks out more than the wide outer section which the bushes slots into the arm. On the P38 bushes, this is much more pronounced than the normal LR ones. So if i just use the top of the jack, then i'll only be pressing on the small inner section .... that doesn't seem right ???

So should i try and get drifts made that will pop over the top of the bottle jack head and snugly fit the bush and exert force on the inner and outer shells of the bush? Looking at the bushes, i would need 2 different drifts.

If so, anyone able to make something like that ?

Would it cost a lot to make?

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Most people just use a suitably sized socket as a drift. Even the garages I have been to employ this method.

use the impact ones i had a c-val on bust on me, look forward to the pics , i made one used a 1/2 male socket as a kind of holder so could add different size drifts

mine was 20 ton press, used two old thick steel towbars

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bit if a set back at the moment.

the press currently looks a little like this - although theres a fair bit been done and a fair bit yet to do yet since this pic was taken...


however, having read up more on whats needed, it transpires that the P38's main bushes need a special drift which compresses the outer diameter of the bush so that it fits into the arm hole. the bush is physically bigger than the hole and its squeezed down to fit inside it ... which explains why its plastic outers.

So i'm humming and hawing about what to do at the moment. i'll investigate geting the LR tool for the job - if that proves rip roaringly expensive, then i may consider polybushing it. *shocker*

Either way, the press will be used to pop the old bushes out . . . even if just to see whether the welds hold!

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